帰り掛け | かえりがけ | (n-t) on the way back/ |
帰り道 | かえりみち | (n) the way back or home/return trip/ |
帰化 | きか | (n) naturalization/(P)/ |
帰納的 | きのうてき
| (adj-na,n) inductive/recursive/ |
帰る | かえる | (v5r) to go back/to go home/to come home/to
return/(P)/ |
帰化人 | きかじん
| (n) naturalized citizen/ |
帰国子女枠 | きこくしじょわく
| special consideration for students who have
lived abroad/ |
帰属 | きぞく | (n) belonging to/ |
帰投 | きとう | (n) return to base of soldiers, military aircraft or
ships/ |
帰来 | きらい | (n) returning/ |
依 | きえ | (n,vs) devotion/(religious) conversion/(P)/ |
帰巣性 | きそうせい
| (n) homing instinct/ |
帰国 | きこく | return to one's country |
帰る | かえる | return, go home |
服 | きふく | (n) submission/surrender/ |
帰れ | かえれ | Go home/Get out/ |
順 | きじゅん | (n) submission/return to allegiance/ |
帰属意識 | きぞくいしき | (n) (a feeling of) identification (with)/sense of
belonging/ |
帰帆 | きはん | (n,vs) returning sailboat/setting sail for home
port/ |
帰営 | きえい | (n) returning to military duty/ |
帰朝 | きちょう | (n,vs) returning from abroad/coming back to ones country
(Japan)/ |
帰れる | かえれる | (v1) Get out/Go
home/ |
帰納法 | きのうほう
| (n) induction/inductive method/ |
帰納 | きのう | (n) inductive/ |
無仮説 | きむかせつ | null hypothesis/ |
一 | きいつ | (n,vs) united into one/ |
帰還兵 | きかんへい
| returned soldier/ |
帰心 | きしん | (n) homesickness/ |
帰化植物 | きかしょくぶつ | naturalized plant/ |
帰港 | きこう | (n) returning to port/ |
帰還不能限界点 | きかんふのうげんかいて
ん | the point of no return/ |
帰社 | きしゃ | (n,vs) return to office/ |
帰省 | きせい | (n,vs) homecoming/returning home/(P)/ |
帰任 | きにん | (n,vs) return to one's post/ |
帰参 | きさん | (n) returning to the service of one's master/ |
帰郷 | ききょう | (n,vs) homecoming/return to one's home/ |
帰着 | きちゃく | (n) return/conclusion/ |
帰航 | きこう | (n) homeward voyage or flight/ |
帰途 | きと | (n) on the way back/returning/(P)/ |
帰巣本能 | きそうほんのう | homing instinct/ |
休 | ききゅう | (n) (military) leave/furlough/ |
帰路 | きろ | (n-adv,n-t) one's way back/(P)/ |
帰還 | きかん | (n,vs) repatriation/return/feedback/(P)/ |
帰校 | きこう | (n) returning to school/ |
帰国 | きこく | (n,vs) return to country/(P)/ |
帰京 | ききょう | (n) returning to Tokyo/(P)/ |
帰結 | きけつ | (n) conclusion/ |
艦 | きかん | (n) returning to one's (war)ship/ |
帰伏 | きふく | (n) submission/surrender/ |
帰趣 | きしゅ | direction/ |