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Kanji: Radical: (かたな) : ; かえ(る)、かえ(す); return
Joyo grade: 2 Stroke count: 10 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1582 Index in Halpern dictionary: 130
Japanese Reading English
帰りかえりがけ(n-t) on the way back/
帰りかえりみち(n) the way back or home/return trip/
きか(n) naturalization/(P)/
きのうてき (adj-na,n) inductive/recursive/
帰るかえる(v5r) to go back/to go home/to come home/to return/(P)/
きかじん (n) naturalized citizen/
きこくしじょわく special consideration for students who have lived abroad/
きぞく(n) belonging to/
きとう(n) return to base of soldiers, military aircraft or ships/
きらい(n) returning/
きえ(n,vs) devotion/(religious) conversion/(P)/
きそうせい (n) homing instinct/
きこくreturn to one's country
帰るかえるreturn, go home
きふく(n) submission/surrender/
帰れかえれGo home/Get out/
きじゅん(n) submission/return to allegiance/
きぞくいしき(n) (a feeling of) identification (with)/sense of belonging/
きはん(n,vs) returning sailboat/setting sail for home port/
きえい(n) returning to military duty/
きちょう(n,vs) returning from abroad/coming back to ones country (Japan)/
帰れるかえれる(v1) Get out/Go home/
きのうほう (n) induction/inductive method/
きのう(n) inductive/
きむかせつnull hypothesis/
きいつ(n,vs) united into one/
きかんへい returned soldier/
きしん(n) homesickness/
きかしょくぶつnaturalized plant/
きこう(n) returning to port/
きかんふのうげんかいて んthe point of no return/
きしゃ(n,vs) return to office/
きせい(n,vs) homecoming/returning home/(P)/
きにん(n,vs) return to one's post/
きさん(n) returning to the service of one's master/
ききょう(n,vs) homecoming/return to one's home/
きちゃく(n) return/conclusion/
きこう(n) homeward voyage or flight/
きと(n) on the way back/returning/(P)/
きそうほんのうhoming instinct/
ききゅう(n) (military) leave/furlough/
きろ(n-adv,n-t) one's way back/(P)/
きかん(n,vs) repatriation/return/feedback/(P)/
きこう(n) returning to school/
きこく(n,vs) return to country/(P)/
ききょう(n) returning to Tokyo/(P)/
きけつ(n) conclusion/
きかん(n) returning to one's (war)ship/
きふく(n) submission/surrender/