幕内 | まくうち | (n) highest rank in sumo/ |
幕が下りる | まくがおりる | (exp) to lower the curtain/to come to an
end/ |
幕吏 | ばくり | (n) shogunate official/ |
幕引き | まくひき | putting an end to/ |
幕営 | ばくえい | (n) camp/camping/ |
幕僚長 | ばくりょうちょう
| (n) chief of staff/ |
幕を引く | まくをひく | (exp) to draw a curtain/ |
幕切れ | まくぎれ | (n) fall of the curtain/last scene/end of act/ |
幕藩体制 | ばくはんたいせい | (n) the feudal system characteristic of the
shogunate/ |
幕屋 | まくや | (n) tent/tabernacle/small curtain-enclosed (off a
stage)/Makuya (Original Gospel Movement of Japan)/ |
幕舎 | ばくしゃ | (n) camp/ |
幕軍 | ばくぐん | (n) the shogunate army/ |
幕僚 | ばくりょう | (n) staff/staff officer/ |
幕開き | まくあき | (n) raising of the curtains/beginning/opening/ |
幕末 | ばくまつ | (n) closing days of the Tokugawa shogunate/end of Edo
era/ |
幕の内 | まくのうち | (n) the top-ranking sumo division/variety of boxed
lunch/ |
幕政 | ばくせい | (n) the shogunate (administration)/ |
幕間 | まくあい | (n) intermission (between acts)/interlude/ |
幕臣 | ばくしん | (n) shogunate retainer or vassal/ |
幕 | とばり | curtain/bunting/act (in play)/ |
幕下 | まくした | (n) junior class sumo wrestler or division/ |
幕開け | まくあけ | (n) beginning/opening (of play)/ |
幕府 | ばくふ | (n) bakufu/shogunate/(P)/ |
幕電 | まくでん | (n) sheet lightning/ |
幕あい | まくあい | (n) intermission/ |
幕を閉じる | まくをとじる | (exp) to come to an end/to close the curtain/ |