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Kanji: Radical: 广 (まだれ) : ジョ; ; order
Joyo grade: 5 Stroke count: 7 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1502 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3065
Japanese Reading English
じょげん(n) foreward/preface/introduction/
序のじょのくち(exp,n) this is only the beginning (the real work having yet to begin)/
序でについでに(adv) (uk) incidentally/taking the opportunity/while (you) are at it/on the occasion/(P)/
じょじ(n) order/sequence/
じょすう(n) an ordinal number/
じょまく(n) curtain-raiser/prologue/(P)/
じょぶん(n) preface/foreword/(P)/
じょはきゅう (n) artistic modulations in traditional Japanese performances/opening, middle and climax (end)/
序についでに(adv) (uk) incidentally/taking the opportunity/while (you) are at it/on the occasion/
じょきょく(n) overture/prelude/(P)/
序でついで(n) (uk) opportunity/occasion/(P)/
じょせつ(n) introduction/(P)/
序でがついでがある(exp) to have occasion to do/
じょれつ(n) rank/ranking order/
じょばんせん (n) early stages (of a game)/opening phase/
じょしょう(n) prologue/preface/
ついで(n) (uk) opportunity/occasion/
じょし(n) foreward/preface/
じょそう(n) (musical) introduction/
じょばん(n) the opening(s) (e.g., in a game of go or chess)/
じょろん(n) introduction/preface/(P)/
じょし(arch) arranging seats by seniority/
じょびらき(n) beginnings/origins/