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Kanji: Radical: 广 (まだれ) : テイ; そこ; bottom
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 8 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1508 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3084
Japanese Reading English
ていすう(n) base/radix/
そこがわsole leather/sole/
そこいじわるい(adj) malicious/spiteful/
ていし(n) cessation/
そこいれ(n) bottoming out (of prices)/
そこわれsituation where the bottom has dropped out/
そこまめ(n) blister (on the sole of the foot)/corn/
そこびえ(n) penetrating cold/
そこ(n) bottom/sole/(P)/
底曳きそこびきあみ(n) trawl (net)/
そこなし(n) bottomless/
そこつち(n) subsoil/
ていかく(n) base angle/
そこうお(n) bottom-dwelling fish/
そこづみ(n) stowage at the bottom/goods stowed at the bottom/
そこぢから(n) latent energy/reserve strength/potentiality/
そこびきあみ (n) trawl (net)/
そこに(n) ballast/
そこきみわるい(adj) strange/eerie/ominous/
そこぬけ(adj-na,n) bottomless/
ていめん(n) the base/
ていへん(n) base (geometry, society)/
そこびかり(n) inner glow or light/deep gloss or luster/
そこい(n) one's underlying motives or true intentions/
そこね(n) bottom price/(P)/
そこがたい(adj) stable (market) after having bottomed out/
ていほん(n) original text/draft/
ていりゅう(n) bottom current/undercurrent/
れぬそこしれぬ(adj-pn,exp) bottomless/
そこあげ(n,vs) raising (the standard)/