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Kanji: Radical: 广 (まだれ) : ド、ト、タク; たび; degree
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 9 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1511 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3100
Japanese Reading English
どあい(n) degree/extent/
どわすれ(n,vs) lapse of memory/forget for a moment/(P)/
どきょうだめし putting one's courage to the test/
度をどをこす(exp,v5) to go too far/
なるたびかさなる(v5r) to repeat/to be frequent/
度をどをうしなう(exp) to lose one's presence of mind/
どきょう(n) courage/bravery/pluck/nerve/grit/guts/(P)/
どりょう(n) length and capacity/measures/generosity/magnanimity/
どぎもをぬく (v5) to knock or scare (someone) out of his or her wits/to strike a person dumb/to dumbfound/to take (someone) aback/
どすうぶんぷず histogram/
度度たびたび(adv) often/repeatedly/frequently/
どりょうのひろさ broad-mindedness/
どあい(n) degree/extent/(P)/
どすうぶんぷ(n) frequency distribution/
(n,n-suf) counter for occurrences/(P)/
たび(n) times (three times, etc.)/degree/(P)/
どりょうこう (n) weights and measures/(P)/
度がぎるどがすぎる(v1) to go too far/to go to excess/to carry too far/
度をごすどをすごす(v5) to go too far/to go to excess/
度のどのつよいめがねpowerful spectacles/
度々たびたび(adv) often/repeatedly/frequently/(P)/
どもり(n) gradation/
どすう(n) frequency/
度を ねるどをかさねる(exp) to repeat/
度 しどしがたい(adj) beyond help/incorrigible/
どはずれ(n) extraordinary/excessive/
どがいし (n,vs) taking no account of/neglecting/