座談会 | ざだんかい
| (n) symposium/round-table
discussion/(P)/ |
座右の銘 | ざゆうのめい
| (n) desk motto/favourite motto/ |
座金 | ざがね | (n) (metal) washer/ |
座頭 | ざとう | (n) blind man or masseur/ |
座禅 | ざぜん | (n) (Zen) meditation/(P)/ |
座席 | ざせき | (n) seat/(P)/ |
団 | ざぶとん | (n) floor cushion/ |
座席表 | ざせきひょう
| seating chart/ |
座 | ざ | (n,n-suf) seat/one's place/position/(P)/ |
座礼 | ざれい | (n) bowing while sitting/ |
座談 | ざだん | (n) conversation/discussion/ |
座る | すわる | sit down |
座布団を当てる | ざぶとんをあてる | (exp) to sit on a cushion/ |
座標 | ざひょう | (n) coordinate(s)/ |
座浴 | ざよく | (n) sitz bath/ |
骨神経 | ざこつしんけい | sciatic nerve/ |
職 | ざしょく | (n) sedentary work/ |
座臥 | ざが | (n-t) daily life/sitting and lying down/ |
座標系 | ざひょうけい
| (n) coordinate system/ |
座所 | ざしょ | (n) one's seat/ |
敷牢 | ざしきろう | (n) (Edo-period) room for confining criminals or
lunatics/ |
座標軸 | ざひょうじく
| (n) coordinate axis/ |
座り込む | すわりこむ | (v5m) to sit down (and bask)/to sit-in (in
protest)/ |
座り | すわり | (n)
sitting/stability/ |
座頭鯨 | ざとうくじら
| (n) humpback whale/ |
座興 | ざきょう | (n) entertainment/fun/amusement of the
company/ |
座右銘 | ざゆうめい
| desk motto/(P)/ |
座薬 | ざやく | (n) suppository/ |
敷 | ざしき | (n) tatami room/(P)/ |
座高 | ざこう | (n) one's sitting height/ |
座右 | ざゆう | (n) at one's right/at one's side/ |
座州 | ざす | (n,vs) stranding/running aground/ |
座元 | ざもと | (n) theater proprietor/producer/ |
座頭 | ざがしら | (n) leader of a troupe/ |
座席番号 | ざせきばんごう | seat number/ |
座乗 | ざじょう | (n,vs) going on board (a ship)/ |
座員 | ざいん | (n) member of a theatrical troupe/ |
座中 | ざちゅう | (n) gathering/theatrical troupe/ |
座食 | ざしょく | (n) living in idleness/ |
座椅子 | ざいす | (n) small chair used while sitting on
tatami/ |
座洲 | ざす | (n,vs)
stranding/running aground/ |
座標変換 | ざひょうへんかん | coordinate transformation/ |
座礁 | ざしょう | (n,vs) running aground/being stranded/ |
座布団 | ざぶとん
| (n) cushion (Japanese)/square cushion used when
sitting on one's knees in a tatami-mat floor/(P)/ |
座卓 | ざたく | (n) low table/ |
技 | すわりわざ | (MA) Aikido seated defence/ |
座骨神経痛 | ざこつしんけいつう
| sciatica/ |
座付き | ざつき | (n) working in the theater/ |
座視 | ざし | (n,vs) remaining an idle spectator/looking on
unconcernedly (doing nothing)/ |
座骨 | ざこつ | (n) hipbone/ |