The Yamasa Institute - オンライン日本語学習 - Online Kanji Dictionary |
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Japanese | Reading | English |
庶政 | しょせい | (n) political affairs/all phases of government/ |
庶流 | しょりゅう | (n) illegitimate family lineage/ |
庶務課 | しょむか | general affairs section/(P)/ |
庶出 | しょしゅつ | (n) illegitimate birth/ |
庶務 | しょむ | (n) general affairs/(P)/ |
庶事 | しょじ | (n) various matters/everything/ |
庶子 | しょし | (n) illegitimate child/(P)/ |
庶民 | しょみん | (n) masses/common people/(P)/ |
庶民的 | しょみんてき | (adj-na) normal/natural/common/(P)/ |
庶幾 | しょき | (n,vs) desire/hope/ |
庶民劇 | しょみんげき | drama of ordinary people/ |
庶民金融 | しょみんきんゆう | loans for low-income people/ |