建具屋 | たてぐや
| a joiner/cabinetmaker/ |
建立する | こんりゅうする | build (a temple) |
碑 | けんぴ | (n) erection of a monument/ |
建設費 | けんせつひよう
| (n) construction (building) costs/ |
建国記念の日 | けんこくきねんのび
| National Foundation Day (Feb 11) |
建国記念日 | けんこくきねんび
| National Foundation Day/ |
建国記念の日 | けんこくきねんのひ
| (n) Foundation Day (Feb 11)/ |
建材 | けんざい | (n) building material/ |
建て回す | たてまわす | (v5) to build around/ |
建てる | たてる | (v1) to build/to construct/(P)/ |
建設機械 | けんせつきかい | (n) construction machinery/ |
建国 | けんこく | founding of a nation |
建築物 | けんちくぶつ
| (n) a building/ |
建設 | けんせつ | (n,vs) construction/establishment/(P)/ |
建築基準法 | けんちくきじゅんほう
| (n) the Building Standards Act/ |
建設工事 | けんせつこうじ | (n) construction work/ |
建設会社 | けんせつがいしゃ | construction company/ |
建て掛け | たてかけ | under construction/ |
建築士 | けんちくし
| (n) (authorized) architect and
builder/ |
建増し | たてまし | (n) building addition or extension/an
annex/ |
建築家 | けんちくか
| architect |
建て替える | たてかえる | (v1) to rebuild/to reconstruct/ |
建築現場 | けんちくげんば | (n) building (construction) site/ |
建築 | けんちく | (n,vs) construction/architecture/(P)/ |
建築中 | けんちくちゅう
| under construction/ |
建て値 | たてね | (n) rates of exchange/official
quotations/market/ |
建築業者 | けんちくぎょうしゃ | a builder/ |
建造物 | けんぞうぶつ
| (n) structure/ |
建設会社 | けんせつがいしゃ | construction company |
建物 | たてもの | (n) building/(P)/ |
建て売り | たてうり | (n) constructing and selling a ready-built
house/ |
建議者 | けんぎしゃ
| a proposer/ |
建て前 | たてまえ | (n) face/official stance/public position or attitude (as
opposed to private thoughts)/(P)/ |
建立 | こんりゅう | (n) building/erection/(P)/ |
建具 | たてぐ | (n) furniture/ |
白書 | けんぱくしょ
| (n) a petition/a memorial/ |
建て増す | たてます | (v5s) to extend (building)/to build on/ |
建設省 | けんせつしょう
| Ministry of Construction/ |
建策 | けんさく | (n,vs) making a
plan/recommendation/suggestion/ |
建国 | けんこく | (n) founding of a nation/ |
建言 | けんげん | (n,vs) right to speak/offering one's opinion to one's
superior/proposal/ |
建前 | たてまえ | (n) face/official stance/public position or attitude (as
opposed to private thoughts)/(P)/ |
建坪 | たてつぼ | (n) floor space/(P)/ |
建議案 | けんぎあん
| proposition/ |
建つ | たつ | (v5t) to stand/to erect/to be erected/to rise/to be
built/(P)/ |
建築家 | けんちくか
| (n) architect/(P)/ |
建て網 | たてあみ | (n) fish trap/set net/ |
建値 | たてね | (n) official market quotations/exchange rates/ |
建設大臣 | けんせつだいじん | Minister of Construction/ |
建て直す | たてなおす | (v5s) to rebuild/to reconstruct/ |