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Kanji: Radical: (にじゅうあし) : ベン; ; speak
Joyo grade: 5 Stroke count: 5 Index in Nelson dictionary: 844 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2004
Japanese Reading English
べんごにん (n) counsel/defender/advocate/
べんてん(n) Benten (goddess of arts and wisdom)/
べんりし (n) patent attorney/
べんごしじむしょlaw(yer's) office/
べんさい(n) eloquence/oratorical talent/
べんごりょう lawyer's fee/
べんし(n) lecturer/rhetorician/narrator in Japanese silent cinema/
べんとうばこ (n) lunch box/
べんしょう(n) demonstration/proof/
べんさい(n) settlement/payment/(P)/
べんこう(n) speech/manner of speaking/
べんごしゃ proponent/defender/advocate/
べんとう(n) box lunch/(P)/
べん(n,n-suf) speech/dialect/braid/petal/valve/discrimination/(P)/
べんけいそう (n) orpine (plant)/stonecrop/
べんまく(n) valve (in internal organs)/
べんしょうきん reparation/indemnity/compensation/reimbursement/
弁じるべんじる(v1) to speak/to talk/to argue/to manage/to dispose of/to carry through/to distinguish/to discriminate/
べんごだん defense counsel/
べんとうや (n) lunch vendor/
べんべつ(n,vs) discriminate/
べんごし (n) lawyer/(P)/
べんしょうろん (n) apologetics/dialectics/
べんけいがに(n) grapsoid (anim)/grapsoid crab/
べんけいのなきどころ(n) one's weak point/shin/
べんしょうほうてき(adj-na) dialectic/
弁駁べんばく(n) refutation/contradiction/rebuttal/disproof/disputation/
べんごしかい(n) bar association/
べんとうだい (n) lunch money/
べんご(n) defense/pleading/advocacy/(P)/
べんめい(n,vs) explanation/excuse/vindication/apology/(P)/
べんり(n) management/
べんけいじま(n) checks/plaid/checked pattern/
べんべつそせいdistinctive feature/
べんぜつ(n) speech/(P)/
べんしょうほうてきゆい ぶつろん(n) dialectical materialism/
べんなん(n) denunciation/criticism/
べんろんたいかいoratorical contest/
弁駁べんぱく(n) refutation/contradiction/rebuttal/disproof/disputation/
べんけい(n) strong man/
べんろん(n) discussion/debate/argument/(P)/
べんごいらいにん client/
弁 じてるべんじたてる(v1) to speak eloquently/to talk volubly/
べんぱつ(n) pigtail/queue/
弁えるわきまえる(v1) to know (right from wrong)/to discern/to discriminate/to understand/to bear in mind/(P)/
べんけいごうしchecked pattern/plaid/