弁護人 | べんごにん
| (n) counsel/defender/advocate/ |
弁天 | べんてん | (n) Benten (goddess of arts and wisdom)/ |
弁理士 | べんりし
| (n) patent attorney/ |
弁えのない | わきまえのない | indiscreet/undiscerning/ |
弁護士事務所 | べんごしじむしょ | law(yer's) office/ |
弁才 | べんさい | (n) eloquence/oratorical talent/ |
弁護料 | べんごりょう
| lawyer's fee/ |
弁士 | べんし | (n) lecturer/rhetorician/narrator in Japanese silent
cinema/ |
弁当箱 | べんとうばこ
| (n) lunch box/ |
弁証 | べんしょう | (n) demonstration/proof/ |
弁済 | べんさい | (n) settlement/payment/(P)/ |
弁口 | べんこう | (n) speech/manner of speaking/ |
弁護者 | べんごしゃ
| proponent/defender/advocate/ |
弁鰓類 | べんさいるい | bivalves/ |
弁当 | べんとう | (n) box lunch/(P)/ |
弁 | べん | (n,n-suf)
speech/dialect/braid/petal/valve/discrimination/(P)/ |
弁慶草 | べんけいそう
| (n) orpine (plant)/stonecrop/ |
弁膜 | べんまく | (n) valve (in internal organs)/ |
弁償金 | べんしょうきん
| reparation/indemnity/compensation/reimbursement/ |
弁じる | べんじる | (v1) to speak/to talk/to argue/to manage/to dispose
of/to carry through/to distinguish/to discriminate/ |
弁者 | べんしゃ | speaker/orator/ |
護団 | べんごだん
| defense counsel/ |
弁当屋 | べんとうや
| (n) lunch vendor/ |
弁別 | べんべつ | (n,vs) discriminate/ |
弁護士 | べんごし
| (n) lawyer/(P)/ |
弁証論 | べんしょうろん
| (n) apologetics/dialectics/ |
弁慶蟹 | べんけいがに | (n) grapsoid (anim)/grapsoid crab/ |
弁慶の泣き所 | べんけいのなきどころ | (n) one's weak point/shin/ |
弁証法的 | べんしょうほうてき | (adj-na) dialectic/ |
弁駁 | べんばく | (n)
refutation/contradiction/rebuttal/disproof/disputation/ |
弁護士会 | べんごしかい | (n) bar association/ |
弁当代 | べんとうだい
| (n) lunch money/ |
弁護 | べんご | (n) defense/pleading/advocacy/(P)/ |
弁明 | べんめい | (n,vs)
explanation/excuse/vindication/apology/(P)/ |
弁理 | べんり | (n) management/ |
慶縞 | べんけいじま | (n) checks/plaid/checked pattern/ |
弁別素性 | べんべつそせい | distinctive feature/ |
弁えの無い | わきまえのない | indiscreet/undiscerning/ |
弁舌 | べんぜつ | (n) speech/(P)/ |
証法的唯物論 | べんしょうほうてきゆい
ぶつろん | (n) dialectical materialism/ |
弁難 | べんなん | (n) denunciation/criticism/ |
弁論大会 | べんろんたいかい | oratorical contest/ |
弁駁 | べんぱく | (n)
refutation/contradiction/rebuttal/disproof/disputation/ |
弁慶 | べんけい | (n) strong man/ |
論 | べんろん | (n) discussion/debate/argument/(P)/ |
弁護依頼人 | べんごいらいにん
| client/ |
じ立てる | べんじたてる | (v1) to speak eloquently/to talk volubly/ |
弁髪 | べんぱつ | (n) pigtail/queue/ |
弁える | わきまえる | (v1) to know (right from wrong)/to discern/to
discriminate/to understand/to bear in mind/(P)/ |
弁慶格子 | べんけいごうし | checked pattern/plaid/ |