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Kanji: Radical: (にじゅうあし) : ヘイ; ; evil
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 15 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1551 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2884
Japanese Reading English
へいしゃ(n) our firm (company)/(P)/
へいがい(n) evil practice/barrier/(P)/
へいせい(n) misgovernment/maladministration/
へいいはぼう(n) shabby clothes and an old hat/
へいしゅう(n) corrupt practices/bad habit/
へいふう(n) evil or corrupt or abusive practice/
へいり(n) worn-out sandals (shoes)/
へいほうme/mine (archaic, very humble, but seen used)/
へいい(n) worn out clothes/shabby clothes/
へいてん(n) our shop/we/
へいそん(n) poor village/our own (little or poor) village/