弱気 | よわき | (adj-na,n) timid/faint-hearted/bearish
sentiment/(P)/ |
弱い相互作用 | よわいそうごさよう
| (n) weak interaction (math)/ |
弱少 | じゃくしょう | (adj-na,n) puniness/youth/ |
弱音を吐く | よわねをはく
| complain, whine |
弱る | よわる | (v5r,vi,vt) to weaken/to be troubled/to be downcast/to
be emaciated/to be dejected/to be perplexed/to impair/(P)/ |
弱体化 | じゃくたいか
| (n) weakening/ |
弱い | よわい | weak, delicate, frail |
弱弟 | じゃくてい | (n) young brother/ |
弱視 | じゃくし | (n) weak sight/ |
肉強食 | じゃくにくきょうしょく | survival of the fittest; the law of the
jungle |
弱い者 | よわいもの | weak person/the weak/ |
弱点 | じゃくてん | (n) weak point/weakness/(P)/ |
弱音をはく | よわねをはく | (v5) to say die/to whine/to capitulate/ |
弱年者 | じゃくねんしゃ
| (n) youngster/ |
弱卒 | じゃくそつ | (n) cowardly soldier/ |
弱音 | よわね | complaint; whine |
い | よわい | (adj)
weak/frail/delicate/tender/unskilled/weak (wine)/(P)/ |
弱さ | よわさ | weakness |
弱肉強食 | じゃくにくきょうしょく | (n) The survival of the fittest/the law of the
jungle/ |
弱 | なよなよ | weak/delicate/supple/ |
弱毒 | じゃくどく | (n) weak poison/ |
輩 | じゃくはい | (n) young person/inexperienced person/novice/ |
弱小 | じゃくしょう | (adj-na,n) puniness/youth/ |
弱味 | よわみ | (n) weakness/ |
弱体 | じゃくたい | (adj-na,n) weak (organization)/(P)/ |
弱み | よわみ | (n) weakness/(P)/ |
弱国 | じゃっこく | (n) weak country/ |
弱虫 | よわむし | a coward |
弱冠 | じゃっかん | (n) aged 20/youth/(P)/ |
弱味噌 | よわみそ | (n) weakling/coward/ |
弱くする | よわくする | (vs) to turn down (heat, sound, etc.)/ |
弱 | じゃく | (n,n-suf) weakness/the weak/little less
then/(P)/ |
弱酸性 | じゃくさんせい
| slight acidity/ |
弱さ | よわさ | (n) weakness/ |
込む | よわりこむ | (v5) to weaken/to be at wits' end/ |
弱り目 | よわりめ | (n) time of weakness/ |
弱材料 | よわざいりょう
| (n) bearish factor/ |
弱酸 | じゃくさん | (n) weak acid/ |
以て強に当たる | じゃくをもってきょうにあたる | attacking strength by means of (with)
weakness/ |
弱まる | よわまる | (v5r,vi) to
abate/to weaken/to be emaciated/to be dejected/to be
perplexed/(P)/ |
弱含み | よわふくみ | (n) bearish (stock market)/ |
弱年者 | じゃくねんもの
| (n) youngster/ |
弱者 | じゃくしゃ | (n) the weak/ |
弱電 | じゃくでん | (n) weak electric current/ |
弱音器 | じゃくおんき
| (n) damper/mute (on musical
instruments)/ |
弱志 | じゃくし | (n) weak will/ |
電器 | じゃくでんき
| light electrical appliance/ |
弱める | よわめる | (v1,vt) to weaken/(P)/ |
弱まり | よわまり | abatement/weakening/ |
弱震 | じゃくしん | (n) mild earthquake/ |