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Kanji: Radical: (ゆみ) : ダン; たま、ひ(く)、はず(む); bullet
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 12 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1575 Index in Halpern dictionary: 572
Japanese Reading English
だんう(n) hail of bullets/
弾くひく(v5k) to play (piano, guitar)/(P)/
だんがん(n) bullet/shot/shell/(P)/
だんちゃく(n) a hit/impact/
だんちゃくてん (n) point of impact/
だんがんどうろlong, straight, wide-open highway/
弾痕だんこん(n) bullet hole/bullet mark/
弾きはじき(n) slang gun/repellence/
だんがい(n) impeachment/accusation/censure/(P)/
弾きはじきだす(v5s) to shoot (marbles)/to calculate/to spring out/to force out/
だんとう(n) warhead/
たまよけ(n) bulletproof/protection (or charm) against bullets/
だんせいたい (n) elastic body/
だんそう(n) magazine (of a rifle)/
たま(n) bullet/shot/shell/(P)/
弾きはじきかえす(v5s) to reject/to repel/
弾みはずみ(n) momentum/spur of the moment/
弾けるはじけるようにわらう (exp) to burst into laughter/
だんどう(n) ballistic/
だんせい(n) elasticity/
だんあつ(n,vs) oppression/suppression/pressure/(P)/
だんまく(n) barrage/
だんどうだん(n) (ballistic) missile/
だんせいりつ (n) modulus of elasticity/
だんき(n) spring/
弾けはじけまめ(n) pop beans/
だんきん(n) playing on the koto/
弾むはずむ(v5m) to spring/to bound/to bounce/to be stimulated/to be encouraged/to get lively/to treat oneself to/to splurge on/(P)/
弾きひきがたり(n) singing to one's own accompaniment/
だんりょく(n) elasticity/flexibility/(P)/
だんやくこ powder magazine/
だんちゃくきょりrange (of a gun)/(within) gunshot/
弾きひきて(n) performer or player (of an instrument)/
だんりょくせい (n) elasticity/resilience/flexibility/adaptability/
だんぺんshrapnel/shell or bullet fragment/
だんがんれっしゃ(n) bullet train/
弾けるはじける(v1) to burst open/to split open/to pop/
だんやく(n) ammunition/(P)/
だんそう(n,vs) performance/playing on stringed instruments/
弾みはずみぐるま(n) flywheel/
だんがいさいばんしょ (Japan's) Court of Impeachment/
弾くひくto play (piano or stringed instrument)
弾きひきぞめ(n) initial playing of an instrument in the New Year/
ミサイルだんどうだんげいげきミサイル anti-ballistic missile/ABM/
弾くはじく(v5k) to flip/to snap/(P)/