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Kanji: Radical: (さんづくり) : ケイ、ギョウ; かたち、かた; shape
Joyo grade: 2 Stroke count: 7 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1589 Index in Halpern dictionary: 846
Japanese Reading English
けいしきろんり(n) formal logic/
けいしつ(n) form and nature/
かたどる(v5r) to model on/to make in the shape of/to represent/to pattern after/to symbolise/to imitate/
かたちづくる(v5r) to form/to shape/to make/to mold/to build up/
けいたいろん (n) morphology/
かたしろ(n) paper image/
かたち(n) form/shape/figure/type/(P)/
かたなし(adj-na,n) spoiled/ruined/loss of face/
形骸けいがい(n) ruin/wreck/mere skeleton/framework/
なりふり(n) one's appearance/
けいせいそう (n) formative layer/
けいしょうか (n) giving shape to/
かたぎ(n) wooden printing block/
けいたいがく (n) morphology/
けいじょう(n) shape/form/
けいようご (n) an epithet/
けいしきばる (v5r) to stand on ceremony/
けいせいげかplastic surgery/
けいせき(n) traces/evidence/
けいしきform, model
かたばかりfor form's sake/
形 がれるかたがくずれる(exp) to get out of shape/to lose shape/
形どるかたどる(v5r) to model on/to make in the shape of/to represent/to pattern after/to symbolise/to imitate/
けいせい(n) kanji in which one element suggests the meaning, the other the pronunciation/
ぎょうそう(n) features/look/aspect/phase/form/
けいたい(n) form/shape/figure/
けいしきてき (adj-na) formal/(P)/
なりかたちone's appearance/
けいしきてきなせいformal gender/
けいたいそ (n) morpheme/
けいようしかんstem (word)/
けいしょう(n) shape/figure/image/
形而けいじか(adj-no,n) physical/material/
かたちづくる(v5r) to form/to shape/to make/to mold/to build up/
形而けいじかがく (n) physical sciences/
けいよう(n) form/figure/qualification/description/modifying/figure of speech/(P)/
形骸けいがいか(n) becoming a mere shell or dead letter/
けいせい(n,vs) formation/(P)/
けいえい(n) the form and its shadow/things inseparable/
形而けいじじょう(n) metaphysical/
かたみ(n) memento/souvenir/(P)/
けいそう(n) features/look/aspect/phase/form/
けいしょう(n) scenic beauty/
けいしき(n) form/formality/format/math expression/(P)/
けいせい(n) condition/situation/prospects/
形とえるかたちといろをかえ る(exp) to change the shape and color of/
形づくるかたちづくる(v5r) to form/to shape/to make/to mold/to build up/(P)/