役人 | やくにん | (n) government official/(P)/ |
役得 | やくとく | (n) emoluments/perquisite/ |
役人風 | やくにんかぜ
| (putting on the) airs of an
official/ |
役僧 | やくそう | (n) priest in charge of a temple's clerical
duties/ |
役不足 | やくぶそく
| (adj-na,n) dissatisfaction with one's
position/ |
役に立つ | やくにたつ | (v5t) to be helpful/to be useful/(P)/ |
役務 | えきむ | (n) labor/service/ |
役に就ける | やくにつける | (exp) to place someone in a position/ |
役目柄 | やくめがら
| (n) by virtue of one's office/in the nature of
one's duties/ |
役人根性 | やくにんこんじょう | bureaucratism/ |
宅 | やくたく | (n) government housing for officials/ |
役替え | やくがえ | (n) change of post/ |
役目 | やくめ | (n) duty/business/(P)/ |
役を割り振る | やくをわりふる
| (exp) to assign a role to an
actor/ |
役牛 | えきぎゅう | (n) work cow/work cattle/ |
役名 | やくめい | (n) official title/ |
役務賠償 | えきむばいしょう | reparation in the form of service/ |
役員 | やくいん | (n) officer/official/executive/staff/(P)/ |
役を干される | やくをほされる | (exp) to be deprived of one's role/ |
役場 | やくば | (n) town hall/(P)/ |
役に立たない | やくにたたない | be of no avail/be useless/ |
役立たず | やくだたず | (n) useless/ |
役回り | やくまわり | (n) role/part/(unpleasant) duty/ |
役に就く | やくにつく | (exp) to be appointed to a post/to assume
office/ |
役向き | やくむき | (n) nature of one's position/ |
役 | えき | (n) war/campaign/battle/(P)/ |
役立つ | やくだつ | (v5t) to be useful/to be helpful/to serve the
purpose/(P)/ |
役職手当 | やくしょくてあて | executive allowance/ |
役立てる | やくだてる | (v1) to put to use/to make use of/to turn to
account/ |
役儀 | やくぎ | (n) role/duty/responsibility/ |
役員会 | やくいんかい
| board or officer's meeting/ |
役力士 | やくりきし
| (n) (member of one of) the top four ranks of
sumo wrestlers/ |
役柄 | やくがら | (n) role/ |
役畜 | えきちく | (n) beasts of burden/ |
役職 | やくしょく | (n) post/managerial position/official
position/ |
役を勤める | やくをつとめる | (exp) to act (as)/to hold an office/to play the part
(of)/ |
役割り | やくわり | part/assigning (allotment of) parts/duty/role/ |
役員報酬 | やくいんほうしゅう | officer's compensation or remuneration/ |
役割 | やくわり | (n) part/role/duties/(P)/ |
役 | やく | (n,n-suf) use/service/role/position/(P)/ |
役付き | やくづき | (n) holding a position of responsibility/ |
役者 | やくしゃ | (n) actor/actress/(P)/ |
役夫 | えきふ | (n) laborer/ |
役付き | やくつき | (n) holding a position of responsibility/ |
役所 | やくしょ | (n) government office/public office/(P)/ |