彼の派 | かれのは | his sect (faction)/ |
彼是 | あれこれ | (adv,n) (uk) one thing or another/this and that/this or
that/ |
彼女 | かのじょ | she, girlfriend |
方 | あちら | (n) (1) there/yonder/that/(P)/ |
彼処 | あすこ | (n) (1) (uk) there/over there/that place/(2) (X) (col)
genitals/ |
彼 | かれ | (n)
he/boyfriend/(P)/ |
彼ら | かれら | (n) they (usually
male)/(P)/ |
彼此 | あれこれ | (adv,n) (uk) one
thing or another/this and that/this or that/(P)/ |
彼の地 | かのち | there/that place/ |
彼岸会 | ひがんえ
| (n) Buddhist services during the equinoctial
week/ |
彼の言う所 | かれのいうところ
| what he says/ |
彼氏 | かれし | (n) boyfriend/(P)/ |
彼此 | かれこれ | (adv,n) (uk) one thing or another/this and that/this or
that/ |
彼方此方 | あちこち
| (adv,n) (uk) here and there/(P)/ |
彼らの助力に依って | かれらのじょりょくによって | by dint of their help/ |
彼岸桜 | ひがんざくら
| (n) cherry tree which flowers early (around the
spring equinox)/ |
彼程 | あれほど | (adv) to that extent/ |
彼処 | かしこ | (n) (1) (uk) there/over there/that place/(2) (X) (col)
genitals/ |
彼方 | あなた | (n) (1) (uk) the other/the other side/(2)
there/yonder/that/ |
彼は学者と言うより寧ろ詩人だ | かれはがくしゃという
よりむしろしじんだ | (exp) He is not so much a scholar as a
poet/ |
彼岸 | ひがん | (n) equinoctial week (when Buddhist services are
held)/(P)/ |
彼の | あの | (adj-pn) (uk) that
over there/(P)/ |
彼女 | かのじょ | (n) she/girl friend/sweetheart/(P)/ |
彼方此方 | あちらこちら
| (adv,n) (uk) here and there/(P)/ |
彼方 | かなた | (n) (1) (uk) the other/the other side/(2)
there/yonder/that/(P)/ |
彼奴 | あいつ | (n) (col) (uk) he/she/that guy/(P)/ |
彼岸花 | ひがんばな
| (n) cluster amaryllis/ |
彼処 | あそこ | (n) (1) (uk) there/over there/that place/(2) (X) (col)
genitals/(P)/ |
彼我 | ひが | (n) he or she or they and I or we/ |
彼等 | かれら | (n) they/ |
| かれ | he,
boyfriend |
彼是 | かれこれ | (adv,n) (uk) one thing or another/this and that/this or
that/ |