征戦 | せいせん | (n) military expedition/ |
征伐 | せいばつ | (n) conquest/subjugation/overcoming/(P)/ |
征服者 | せいふくしゃ
| conqueror/(P)/ |
征矢 | そや | (n) used arrow, collected from battlefield/ |
征途 | せいと | (n) (military or pleasure) expedition/ |
征服者に従う | せいふくしゃにしたがう | (exp) to submit to a conqueror/ |
征服 | せいふく | (n) conquest/subjugation/overcoming/(P)/ |
征衣 | せいい | (n) traveling clothes/military uniform/ |
征服欲 | せいふくよく
| the lust for conquest/ |
征途に上る | せいとにのぼる
| (exp) to start on a journey/to go on a military
expedition/ |
征夷 | せいい | warring against
barbarians/ |
征討 | せいとう | (n) subjugation/conquest/ |
征夷大将軍 | せいいたいしょうぐん | (n) commander in chief of the expeditionary force
against the barbarians/great, unifying leader/ |