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Kanji: Radical: (ぎょうにんべん) : ; ; follower
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 10 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1614 Index in Halpern dictionary: 416
Japanese Reading English
徒しあだしごころ(n) fickle heart/
つれづれ(adj-na,adv,n) tedium/
徒にいたずらに(adv) in vain/uselessly/aimlessly/idly/
徒爾とじ(adj-na,n) uselessness/
とし(n) dying in vain/
とけい(n) penal servitude/
徒らにいたずらに(adv) in vain/uselessly/aimlessly/idly/
とぜん(adj-na,adv,n) tedium/
あだざくら(n) ephemeral (easily scattered) cherry blossom/fickle woman/
とはい(n) set/company/companions/fellows/
とていせいどan apprentice system/apprenticeship/
とほ(n) walking/going on foot/(P)/
とろう(n) fruitless effort/abortive scheme/(P)/
とこうwalking/going on foot/
としょく(n) idle life/idleness/
とほきょうそうa footrace/
とてい(n) apprentice/
としゅ(n) being empty-handed/being penniless/(P)/
としょう(n,vs) wade across/
あだ(adj-na,n) vain/futile/transient/frivolous/
ととう(n) conspirators/faction/cabal/clique/(P)/
としゅたいそうfree standing exercises/calisthentics (performed without using any apparatus)/
あだばな(exp,n) non-fruit-bearing flower/something that is flashy with no content/
としゅくうけん (n) empty-handed/with nothing to start with/without capital/
あだな(n) rumor of a romance/
ときょうそう (n) foot race/
(n) party/set/gang/
とひ(n) waste/
ただもの(n) ordinary person/