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Kanji: Radical: (ぎょうにんべん) : トク; え(る)、う(る); gain
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 11 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1622 Index in Halpern dictionary: 477
Japanese Reading English
とくどう(n,vs) attaining salvation/
とくしつ(n) advantages and disadvantages/plus and minuses/
得得とくとく(adj-na,n) triumphantly/proudly/
とく(adj-na,n,vs) profit/gain/interest/(P)/
とくさく(adj-na,n) profitable plan/good plan/
がるとくいがる(v5) to be inflated with pride/
とくぶん(n) profit/share/winnings/
とくいさき (n) favorite customer/
えたい(n) nature/character/
えてかって(adj-na,n) self-willed/(doing or saying things) to suit one's own convenience/
とくてんけん (n) scoring position, with runners on second and-or third base (baseball)/
得になる とくになる(exp) to do (a person) good/to bring profit/
とくひょうりつ percentage of votes/
とくいきゃく (n) customer/client/one's customers/
とくど(n) becoming a (Buddhist) monk/entering Buddhist priesthood/
とくいまんめん(adj-na,n) triumphant air/
とくひょう(n,vs) number of votes polled/poll votes/(P)/
とくいがお (n) triumphant look/
とくいげ (adj-na,n) proud/elated/
得するとくする(vs-s) to make a profit/(P)/
得るうる(v5r) to obtain/to acquire/(P)/
とくい(adj-na,n) pride/triumph/prosperity/one's strong point/one's forte/one's specialty/customer/client/(P)/
とくぎょうし specialty school graduate/
れないえたいのしれない (adj-pn) strange/unfamiliar/mysterious/suspicious/
得るうるところがある (exp) to get benefit from/
とくひょうすう (n) number of votes obtained (polled)/
えて(adj-na,n) forte/strong point/
えがたい(adj) hard to get/
とくてん(n) score/points made/marks obtained/runs/(P)/
えもの(n) specialized weapon or skill/
得るえる(v1) to get/to gain/to win/(P)/
とくしん(n,vs) consenting to/being convinced of/being satisfied/understanding/