御霊前 | ごれいぜん
| (n) "before the spirit of the deceased"
(written on the condolence-money envelope)/ |
御託 | ごたく | (n) tedious talk/impertinent talk/repetitious talk/saucy
speech/pretentious statement/ |
御構い | おかまい | (n) entertainment/hospitality/ |
御待ち遠様 | おまちどおさま | (exp,int,n) I'm sorry to have kept you
waiting/ |
御社 | おんしゃ | (n) your company (polite)/ |
御多忙中 | ごたぼうちゅう | (exp) in the midst of your work/ |
御坊っちゃん | おぼっちゃん | (n) (hon) son/ |
面相 | ごめんそう
| (n) frightful face/ |
御神火 | ごじんか
| (n) deified volcano or volcanic
eruption/ |
御主人 | ごしゅじん
| (n) (hon) your husband/her
husband/ |
御愁傷様でございます | ごしゅうしょうさまでございます
| condolences/ |
御手洗い | おてあらい
| toilet, rest room |
御祓い | おはらい | (n) purification/ |
御伽 | おとぎ | (n) attending (upon)/keeping another
company/ |
御手洗 | みたらし
| (n) font of purifying water placed at the
entrance of a shrine/ |
御新造 | ごしんぞう
| (n) wife (esp. of a prominent, recently married
man)/ |
御出でになる | おいでになる | (v5r) (hon) (uk) to be/ |
御名 | ぎょめい | (n) name of the emperor/ |
御酒 | みき | (n) sacred wine or sake/sake offered to the
gods/ |
御節介 | おせっかい
| (adj-na,n) meddling/nosy/ |
御新造 | ごしんぞ
| (n) wife (esp. of a prominent, recently married
man)/ |
御年玉 | おとしだま
| (n) New Year's present/ |
御殿女中 | ごてんじょちゅう | waiting woman in a shogun or daimyo's
palace/ |
御苑 | ぎょえん | (n) imperial
garden/ |
御鞭撻 | ごべんたつ | (n,vs)
encouragement/enthusiasm/urging/ |
御手盛り | おてもり
| (n) making arbitrary decisions which benefit
oneself/ |
御多分 | ごたぶん
| (n) common/in the usual course/ |
御神酒 | おみき
| (n) sacred wine or sake/ |
御呼ばれ | およばれ | (n) being invited/ |
御顔 | おかお | your (honorable) face/ |
御目出度う | おめでとう | (ateji) (int) (uk) Congratulations!/an auspicious
occasion!/ |
御宇 | ぎょう | (n) Imperial reign/ |
御座居る | ございる
| (v1) to be (very pol.)/ |
御膳立て | おぜんだて | (n) setting the table/preparation/ |
御食い初め | おくいぞめ
| weaning ceremony/ |
御心配なく | ごしんぱいなく
| (exp) don't worry/never mind/ |
御帰り | おかえり | return/welcome/ |
互い様 | おたがいさま
| (adj-na,n) we are of equal status in this
regard/ |
御免 | ごめん | (int,n) your pardon/declining
(something)/dismissal/permission/(P)/ |
用新聞 | ごようしんぶん | a government newspaper or organ/ |
御数 | おかず | (n) (uk) side dish/accompaniment for rice
dishes/(P)/ |
御成功 | ごせいこう
| your success/ |
御兄ちゃん | おにいちゃん | cute form of "older brother"/ |
御念 | ごねん | (n) worry/care/consideration/ |
御題目 | おだいもく
| (n) a Nichiren prayer/(an empty)
slogan/ |
御休み | おやすみ | (n) holiday/absence/rest/Good night/ |
御連絡 | ごれんらく
| (n,vs) (hon) getting in touch/ |
御存じの方 | ごぞんじのかた
| your acquaintance/ |
御所 | ごしょ | (n) old imperial palace/(P)/ |
御迷惑 | ごめいわく
| (n) trouble/annoyance/ |