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Kanji: Radical: (ぎょうにんべん) : ビ、ミ; ; minuteness
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 13 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1631 Index in Halpern dictionary: 639
Japanese Reading English
びこう(n) faint light/
びけいすう differential coefficient/
びふう(n) gentle breeze/soft wind/breath of air/zephyr/
びしょう(n,vs) smile/(P)/
びふく(n) clothing designed not to attract attention/
微微たるびびたる(adj-t) small/slight/insignificant/
微禄びろく(n) small stipend/
そよかぜ(n) gentle breeze/soft wind/breath of air/zephyr/
びぶんほうていしき (n) differential equation/
びしん(n) slight earthquake/
びぶん(n) differential (e.g. calculus)/
びぶんだんめんdifferential cross section (physics)/
びせきぶん (n) (differential and integral) calculus/
びおん(n) lukewarmness/tepidity/
びざい(n) minor offense/misdemeanor/
びこう(n) traveling incognito/
微かにえるかすかにみえる(v1) to be seen dimly/
びりょうげんそa trace element/
びおんとう (n) lukewarm water/
微にを穿つびにいりさいをう がつ(exp) to go into the minutest details/
微賤びせん(n) low rank/humble station/
かべてびしょうをうかべ てwith a smile/
びにゅうsmall (delicate) breasts/
びさい(adj-na,n) minute/micro/detailed/delicate/subtle/
調びちょうせい (n) minute adjustment/fine tuning/
みかけるほほえみかける(v1) to smile/
びねつ(n) slight fever/(P)/
微賎びせん(adj-na,n) low or humble rank/obscurity/
びりょう(n) minuscule amount/extremely small quantity/
かんだほほえみのうかんだくちびるlips with a flickering smile/
びぶんほう differentiation/
びせいぶつがくしゃ microbiologist/
ましいほほえましい(adj) pleasant/charming/
びりゅうし (n) corpuscle/minute particle/
微塵 みじんぎりfinely chopped (cooking)/
ぬるまゆ (n) lukewarm water/
まどろむ(v5m) (uk) to doze (off)/
ほほえむ(v5m) to smile/(P)/
微塵みじん(n) particle/atom/
びみょうなじょうせいsubtle, delicate and complicated situation/
ほほえみ(n) smile/
びしてき (adj-na,n) microscopic/
びくしょう (n) faint, ironic or bittersweet smile/
びせいぶつ (n) microbe/(P)/
びしょう(adj-na,n) infinitesimal/
微塵みじんこ(n) water flea (Daphnia spp.)/
びちゅう(n) one's innermost thoughts (feelings)/
びりょく(adj-na,n) poor ability/
びぶんしょう differential quotient/