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Kanji: Radical: (こころ) : ボウ; わす(れる); forget
Joyo grade: 6 Stroke count: 7 Index in Nelson dictionary: 291 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2036
Japanese Reading English
忘れんわすれんぼうforgetful person/
ぼうが(adj-no,n) trance/ecstasy/enthusiasm/
忘るわする(v5) (arch) to lose something/
忘れっぽいわすれっぽい(adj) forgetful/
ぼうおん(n) ingratitude/thanklessness/(P)/
忘れわすれがち(adj-na,adj-no) (uk) forgetful/oblivious of/negligent/
ぼうねんかい (n) year-end party/(P)/
忘れるわすれる(v1) to forget/to leave carelessly/to be forgetful of/to forget about/to forget (an article)/(P)/
忘れがちわすれがち(adj-na,adj-no) (uk) forgetful/oblivious of/negligent/
忘れられるわすれられるto slip into obscurity/to be forgotten/
忘れわすれがたみ (n) memento/souvenir/keepsake/posthumous child/
忘れわすれもの(n) lost article/something forgotten/(P)/
ぼうきゃく(n) lapse of memory/forgetfulness/oblivion/(P)/
忘れわすれさる(v5r) to forget completely/to leave behind/
忘れなわすれなぐさ(n) forget-me-not/
忘れるわすれるto forget
ぼうしつ(n) lose/forget/
ぼうねん(n) forgetting the hardships of the old year/