忠霊塔 | ちゅうれいとう
| (n) monument to the faithful who died in
battle/ |
忠なる | ちゅうなる | devoted/loyal/true/faithful/ |
忠告 | ちゅうこく | (n,vs) advice/warning/(P)/ |
忠臣蔵 | ちゅうしんぐら
| Chushingura (Buddh.)/(P)/ |
忠言 | ちゅうげん | (n) (good) advice/ |
忠純 | ちゅうじゅん | faithfulness and purity/unswerving loyalty/ |
忠臣 | ちゅうしん | (n) loyal retainer/loyal subject/ |
忠烈 | ちゅうれつ | (n) unswerving loyalty/ |
忠義立て | ちゅうぎだて
| (n) loyalty/loyal deed/ |
忠犬 | ちゅうけん | (n) faithful dog/ |
忠実 | ちゅうじつ | (adj-na,n) fidelity/faithfulness/(P)/ |
忠君 | ちゅうくん | (n) loyalty to one's ruler/ |
忠義 | ちゅうぎ | (adj-na,n) loyalty/devotion/(P)/ |
忠実度 | ちゅうじつど
| (n) fidelity/ |
忠実 | まめ | (adj-na,n)
healthy/hardworking/honest/faithful/devoted/(P)/ |
忠魂碑 | ちゅうこんひ
| (n) monument to the faithful who died in
battle/ |
忠魂 | ちゅうこん | (n) loyalty/the loyal dead/ |
忠実な僕 | ちゅうじつなしもべ
| faithful servant/ |
忠君愛国 | ちゅうくんあいこく | loyalty and patriotism/ |
忠良 | ちゅうりょう | (adj-na,n) loyalty/ |
忠孝 | ちゅうこう | (n) loyalty and filial piety/ |
忠告に従う | ちゅうこくにしたがう
| (exp) to follow (act upon) advice/ |
忠節 | ちゅうせつ | (n) loyalty/allegiance/fidelity/ |
忠勇 | ちゅうゆう | (adj-na,n) loyalty and bravery/ |
忠愛 | ちゅうあい | (n) loyalty/devotion/ |
忠僕 | ちゅうぼく | (n) faithful servant/ |
忠信 | ちゅうしん | (n) faithfulness/devotion/ |
忠誠 | ちゅうせい | (adj-na,n) loyalty/sincerity/(P)/ |
忠霊 | ちゅうれい | (n) the loyal dead/ |
忠勤 | ちゅうきん | (n) loyalty/loyal (faithful) service/ |
忠恕 | ちゅうじょ | (n) sincerity and consideration/ |