念を押す | ねんをおす | (exp) to make sure of/to call attention to/to
emphasize/ |
念力 | ねんりき | (n) will power/faith/(P)/ |
念を入れる | ねんをいれる | (exp) to pay attention to/ |
念々 | ねんねん | (n) continually thinking about something/ |
念 | ねん | (n)
sense/idea/thought/feeling/desire/concern/attention/care/(P)/ |
念誦 | ねんじゅ | (n) (Buddhist) invocation/ |
念じる | ねんじる | (v1) to have in mind/to be anxious about/to pray
silently/ |
念頭に置く | ねんとうにおく
| (exp) to give thought to/to bear in mind/to
keep in mind/ |
念入り | ねんいり | (adj-na,n)
careful/scrupulous/thorough/conscientious/(P)/ |
念珠 | ねんじゅ | (n) rosary/ |
念仏を唱える | ねんぶつをとなえる
| (exp) to chant (repeat) the name of
Buddha/ |
念頭 | ねんとう | (n) mind/(P)/ |
念写 | ねんしゃ | (n) spirit photography/ |
念入れ | ねんいれ | care/scrupulousness/conscientiousness/ |
念の入れ方 | ねんのいれかた
| caution/ |
念願 | ねんがん | (n) one's heart's desire/earnest
petition/(P)/ |
念仏 | ねんぶつ | (n) Buddhist prayer/prayer to Amitabha/(P)/ |
念五日 | ねんごにち
| 25th of the month/25 days/ |
念ずる | ねんずる | (v5z) to pray silently/to have in mind/to be anxious
about/ |
念校 | ねんこう | (n) the very final proof (printing)/ |
念書 | ねんしょ | (n) memorandum/ |
ため | ねんのため | (adv)
making sure/ |
念念 | ねんねん | (n) continually
thinking about something/ |
念の為 | ねんのため | (adv) just to be sure/ |
念押し | ねんおし | reminder/ |