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Kanji: Radical: (こころ) : ケイ、エ; めぐ(む)、めぐ(み); favor
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 10 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1681 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2659
Japanese Reading English
えびすこう (n) fete in honor of Ebisu/
けいぞう(n,vs) presentation/
けいよ(n,vs) presentation/giving/bestowing/
けいそん(n) message appended to a note accompanying a gift, requesting the recipient to keep the gift at hand/
えほうまいり (n) New Year's visit to a shrine or temple which lies in a favorable or lucky direction/
けいぞん(n) message appended to a note accompanying a gift, requesting the recipient to keep the gift at hand/
寿えびす (n) The God of Wealth/
けいたく(n) blessing/pity/favor/benefit/
恵みめぐみ(n) blessing/
えほう(n) favourable or lucky direction/
恵まれためぐまれたひとびと blessed people/favored (privileged) people/
けいう(n) welcome rain/
恵むめぐむ(v5m) to bless/to show mercy to/(P)/
恵まれるめぐまれる(v1) to be blessed with/to be rich in/(P)/
寿えびすがお(n) smiling face/