恵比須講 | えびすこう
| (n) fete in honor of Ebisu/ |
恵贈 | けいぞう | (n,vs) presentation/ |
恵与 | けいよ | (n,vs) presentation/giving/bestowing/ |
恵存 | けいそん | (n) message appended to a note accompanying a gift,
requesting the recipient to keep the gift at hand/ |
恵方参り | えほうまいり
| (n) New Year's visit to a shrine or temple
which lies in a favorable or lucky direction/ |
恵存 | けいぞん | (n) message appended to a note accompanying a gift,
requesting the recipient to keep the gift at hand/ |
恵比寿 | えびす
| (n) The God of Wealth/ |
恵沢 | けいたく | (n) blessing/pity/favor/benefit/ |
恵み | めぐみ | (n) blessing/ |
恵方 | えほう | (n) favourable or lucky direction/ |
恵まれた人人 | めぐまれたひとびと
| blessed people/favored (privileged)
people/ |
恵雨 | けいう | (n) welcome rain/ |
恵む | めぐむ | (v5m) to bless/to show mercy to/(P)/ |
恵まれる | めぐまれる | (v1) to be blessed with/to be rich in/(P)/ |
恵比寿顔 | えびすがお | (n) smiling face/ |