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Kanji: Radical: (こころ) : ソウ; おもう; idea
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 13 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1728 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2828
Japanese Reading English
そうぞうりょく (n) (power of) imagination/
そうねん(n) thought/idea/conception/
そうぞうしにくい hard to image/
想うおもう(v5u) to think/to feel/
そうとう(n) thinking of/hitting upon/
そう(n) conception/idea/thought/(P)/
想いおもいで(n) memories/recollections/reminiscence/
そうぼう(n) longing/yearning/
そうてい(n,vs) hypothesis/supposition/assumption/(P)/
そうぞうにんしんfalse pregnancy/
想 をそうをねる(exp) to turn (a matter) over in one's mind/to think deeply/
想いおもい(n) thought/mind/heart/feelings/emotion/sentiment/love/affection/desire/wish/hope/ex pectation/imagination/experience/
そうき(n,vs) remembering/recollection/recall/
そうぞう(n,vs) imagination/guess/(P)/