慈善会 | じぜんかい
| (n) philanthropic society/ |
慈 | じ | love/be affectionate to/pity/ |
慈善 | じぜん | (n) charity/philanthropy/(P)/ |
慈恵 | じけい | (n) mercy and love/(P)/ |
慈眼 | じげん | (n) merciful eye/ |
慈しむ | いつくしむ | (v5m) to love/to be affectionate to/to
pity/(P)/ |
慈善箱 | じぜんばこ
| charity box/ |
慈悲心 | じひしん
| benevolence/ |
慈母 | じぼ | (n) affectionate mother/ |
慈姑 | くわい | (n) arrowhead (root)/ |
慈兄 | じけい | affectionate elder brother/ |
慈善鍋 | じぜんなべ | (n) charity pot/ |
しみ | いつくしみ | (n)
affection/love/ |
慈善団体 | じぜんだんたい | (n) charitable institution (organization)/(organized)
charities/ |
慈父 | じふ | (n) affectionate father/ |
慈善市 | じぜんいち
| (n) charity bazaar/ |
慈善家 | じぜんか
| (n) charitable
person/philanthropist/ |
慈愛 | じあい | (n) affection/kindness/love/(P)/ |
慈心 | じしん | (n) benevolence/mercy/ |
慈雨 | じう | (n) welcome (beneficial) rain/(P)/ |
慈悲 | じひ | (n)
compassion/benevolence/charity/mercy/(P)/ |
慈善心 | じぜんしん
| benevolence/liberality/ |
慈訓 | じくん | kind counsel/mother's advice/ |
慈善事業 | じぜんじぎょう | philanthropic work/charitable enterprise/ |