慰謝 | いしゃ | (n) consolation/ |
霊祭 | いれいさい
| (n) memorial service/(P)/ |
慰撫 | いぶ | (n) pacification/soothing/ |
慰め顔 | なぐさめがお | (n) consolatory look/comforting look/ |
慰問 | いもん | (n) condolences/sympathy call/(P)/ |
慰め | なぐさめ | (n) comfort/consolation/diversion/ |
慰労金 | いろうきん
| (n) bonus/reward for one's
services/ |
慰労 | いろう | (n,vs) recognition of services/ |
慰問袋 | いもんぶくろ
| (n) soldier's comfort bag/ |
慰安者 | いあんしゃ
| comforter/ |
慰んだ挙句に捨てる | なぐさんだあげくにすてる | (exp) to throw a girl away after making her one's
plaything/ |
慰安会 | いあんかい
| recreational get-together/ |
慰労会 | いろうかい
| party given in recognition of a person's
services/ |
慰安旅行 | いあんりょこう | (n) pleasure trip/company (office) trip/ |
慰問品 | いもんひん
| (n) comfort article/ |
慰藉 | いしゃ | (n) consolation/ |
謝料 | いしゃりょう
| (n) consolation
money/solatium/(P)/ |
慰安婦 | いあんふ
| (n) army prostitute/ |
慰留 | いりゅう | (n,vs) dissuasion from resigning or
leaving/ |
慰める | なぐさめる | (v1) to comfort/to
console/(P)/ |
慰み半分 | なぐさみはんぶん
| partly for fun/capricious/ |
慰霊 | いれい | (n) comfort the spirit (of the dead)/ |
慰み物 | なぐさみもの | (n) (person treated as a) plaything/ |
慰む | なぐさむ | (v5m) to comfort/(P)/ |
慰み | なぐさみ | (n) consolation/comfort/ |
慰み者 | なぐさみもの | (n) (person treated as a) plaything/ |
慰安 | いあん | (n) solace/relaxation/(P)/ |
慰霊塔 | いれいとう
| memorial tower/ |
慰藉料 | いしゃりょう | (n) consolation money/solatium/ |