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Kanji: Radical: (こころ) : ユウ; うれ(える)、う(い)、う(き)、うれ(い); be anxious
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 15 Index in Nelson dictionary: 70 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2145
Japanese Reading English
うきみ(n) life of misery/
憂鬱ゆううつ(adj-na,n) depression/melancholy/dejection/gloom/(P)/
ゆうく(n) trouble/distress/sorrow/
憂鬱ゆううつしょう(n) severe depression/
憂いうれいがお(n) sad face/sorrowful face/anxious look/sad countenance/(P)/
ゆうふん(n) grief and anger/
ゆうこく(n) patriotism/(P)/
憂いうれい(n) grief/distress/sorrow/(P)/
うきめ(n) bitter experience/misery/distress/grief/sad thoughts/hardship/
ゆうしん(n) grieving heart/
憂さうさ(n) gloom/melancholy/
憂さらしうさばらし(n) diversion/distraction/
憂いをびたうれいをおびたかお sorrowful look/
憂きうきみ(n) wretched life/
憂いうれいなやむ(v5) to be grievously troubled/
憂いうれいごと(n) bitter experience/misery/distress/grief/sad thoughts/
憂懼ゆうく(n) fear/apprehension/dread/
ゆうかん(n) sorrow/worry/distress/
憂きうきめ(n) bitter experience/misery/distress/grief/sad thoughts/hardship/(P)/
憂欝ゆううつ(adj-na,n) depression/melancholy/dejection/gloom/
うさばらし(n) diversion/distraction/
憂悶ゆうもん(n) anguish/mortification/
ゆうせい(n) worrying about world conditions/
ゆうぐ(n) anxiety/fear/
ゆうし(vs) grieving/
ゆうりょ(n) anxiety/concern/fear/(P)/
憂鬱ゆううつしつ(n) susceptibility to depression/
憂えるうれえる(v1) to grieve/to lament/to be anxious/to be distressed/(P)/
憂いうい(adj) unhappy/sad/gloomy/(P)/
憂さをらしにうさをはらしに(uk) for amusement/by way of diversion (distraction from grief)/
うきよ(n) fleeting life/this transient world/sad world/
ゆうしょく(n) melancholy air/anxious look/traces of sorrow/gloom/
うれいごと(n) bitter experience/misery/distress/grief/sad thoughts/
憂きうきめをみる (exp) to have a hard time of it/to have a bitter experience/
ゆうしゅう(n) melancholy/gloom/grief/(P)/