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Kanji: Radical: (こころ) : チョウ; こ(りる)、こ(らす)、こ(らしめる); punish
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 18 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1785 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2910
Japanese Reading English
懲りるこりる(v1) to learn by experience/to be disgusted with/(P)/
懲り懲りこりごり(adj-na,n,vs) learning to ones sorrow/having had enough of/
懲らしめこらしめ(n) chastisement/
ちょうばつ(n) discipline/punishment/reprimand/(P)/
ちょうかい(n) discipline/punishment/reprimand/(P)/
ちょうばついいんかい disciplinary committee/
懲らすこらす(v5s) to chastise/to punish/to discipline/(P)/
懲らしめるこらしめる(v1) to chastise/to punish/to discipline/(P)/
ちょうあく(n) chastisement for evildoing/punishment/
ちょうかいしょぶんdisciplinary measures/
ちょうかいめんしょくdisciplinary dismissal (discharge)/
ちょうえき(n) penal servitude/imprisonment with hard labor/(P)/