懸念 | けねん | (n,vs) worry/fear/anxiety/concern/(P)/ |
懸ける | かける | (v1) to hang/to construct/to sit/to offer (as a
prize)/to put (one's life) on the line/(P)/ |
懸垂 | けんすい | (n,vs) pull-up/chin up/chinning/(P)/ |
懸賞問題 | けんしょうもんだい | (n) problem for a prize contest/ |
懸垂線 | けんすいせん
| (n) a catenary/ |
懸濁 | けんだく | (n) (chem) suspension/ |
懸け離れる | かけはなれる | (v1) to be far apart/to be remote/to be quite
different/ |
懸軍 | けんぐん | (n) expeditionary army/ |
懸け隔たる | かけへだたる | (v5r) far apart/remote/quite different/ |
懸け橋 | かけはし | (n) (1) suspension bridge/viaduct/temporary bridge/(2)
mediation/go-between/ |
懸かる | かかる | (v5r) to be
suspended from/to be trapped/(P)/ |
懸壅垂 | けんようすい | (n) uvula/ |
懸離れる | かけはなれる | (v1) to be very far apart from/to be remote/to be quite
different from/ |
懸吊 | けんちょう | suspension/ |
懸隔 | けんかく | (n) difference/discrepancy/ |
懸想 | けそう | (n,vs) falling in love/attachment/ |
懸賞 | けんしょう | (n) offering prizes/winning/reward/(P)/ |
懸想文 | けそうぶみ
| (n) love letter/ |
懸案 | けんあん | (n) pending question/pending problem/(P)/ |
懸け隔てる | かけへだてる | (v1) to put distance between/to estrange/ |
懸絶 | けんぜつ | (n) great difference/ |
懸賞金 | けんしょうきん
| (n) prize money/ |
懸賞論文 | けんしょうろんぶん | essay contest/ |
命 | けんめい | (adj-na,n) eagerness/earnestness/risking one's
life/ |
懸崖 | けんがい | (n) overhanging cliff/ |
懸架 | けんが | suspension (of an automobile)/ |
懸巣 | かけす | (n) jay/ |
懸垂運動 | けんすいうんどう | chin-ups/ |