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Kanji: Radical: (かのほこ) : セン; たたか(う)、いくさ; war
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 13 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1810 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1787
Japanese Reading English
せんりょくそせいorder of battle/
せんりゃくかくへいき (n) strategic nuclear weapon/
せんじゅつか tactician/strategist/
せんか(n) war damages/ravages of war/(P)/
せんしゃ(n) tank (military vehicle)/(P)/
せんれつ(n) line of battle/
せんしょう(n) victory/triumph/
せんごおうしゅうpost-war Europe/
戦 慄せんりつ(n,vs) shudder/shiver/tremble with fear/horrible/terrible/hair-raising/
せんとういん (n) combatant/
せんとうぎせいしゃ casualty/
せんじこうさいwar loan/
せんぽう(n) tactics/strategy/
せんし(n) death in action/(P)/
戦々せんせんきょうきょう(adj-na,n) trembling with fear/
せんぼつしゃついとうきねんびMemorial Day (US)/
せんたい(n) corps/squadron/
せんぼつ(n) death in battle/killed in action/
せんし(n) military history or annals/
せんせん(n) (war) front/
せんちゅう(n) during the war/
せんじ(n-adv,n-t) war time/
せんとうしえんcombat support/
戦々 兢々せんせんきょうきょう(adj-na,n) trembling with fear/
せんか(n) war/
せんじゅつかくへいき (n) tactical nuclear weapon/
せんじちゅう (n-t) during the war/
戦えば乃ちたたかえばすなわちかつto win every battle (that is fought)/
せんとうでんしせんじょうほうcombat electronic warfare intelligence/
せんそうのとき times of war/
せんじょう(n) battlefield/battleground/(P)/
戦うたたかう(v5u) to fight/to battle/to combat/to struggle against/to wage war/to engage in contest/(P)/
せんじたいせいwartime regime/war footing/
せんき(n) time for battle/military secrets/strategy/
せんとうぼう (n) field cap (used by Japanese troops in WW II)/
せんたん(n) opening of hostilities/
戦いたたかいぬく(v5k) to fight to the bitter end/
せんびょうし (n) death from disease contracted at the front/
せんとうじんちのぜんえんforward edge of the battle area/
せんそうはんざいほうていwar crimes tribunal/
せんじさんぎょうwartime industry/
せんとうばくげきき fighter bomber/
せんそう(n,vs) war/(P)/
せんとうりょく (n) fighting strength/
パートナーシップせん りゃくてきパートナーシップstrategic partnership/
せんゆう(n) comrade in arms/war buddy/
戦戦兢兢としてせんせんきょうきょうとして with fear and trembling/
戦くおののく(v5k,vi) to shake/to shudder/
せんりゃくてきていけい strategic partnership/
せんそうじょうたい(n) (enter into, be in) a state of war/