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Kanji: Radical: (とびらのと) : ; ; door
Joyo grade: 2 Stroke count: 4 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1817 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1930
Japanese Reading English
こせき(n) census/family register/(P)/
調こせきしらべ census-taking/examining family registers/
こべつ(n) each house/
こすう(n) number of households (houses)/
ここう(n) houses and inhabitants/population/
とじまり(n) closing up/fastening the doors/
戸のれるとのかげにかくれる (exp) to hide behind a door/
こせきfamily register
こがいさつえいtaking pictures outdoors/(P)/
戸をとをやぶる(exp) to break a door/
こしゅ(n) head of a household/
こせきしょうほんofficial copy of part of family register/
(n) door (Japanese style)/(P)/
こせきほう (n) the Family Registration Law/
とまどい(n,vs) being at sea/losing one's bearings/(P)/
戸々ここ(n) each house/every house/
とぐち(n) door/(P)/
こべつほうもん(n,vs) door-to-door visit/door-to-door canvassing/
まりとじまり(n) closing up/fastening the doors/(P)/
とだな(n) cupboard/locker/(P)/
とぶくろ(n) box (built-in) for containing shutters/
戸をてるとをたてる(exp) to shut a door/
戸々ここう(n) houses and inhabitants/population/
こがい(adj-no,n) open-air/outdoors/
とまどう(v5u) to be bewildered/to be perplexed/(P)/
こごと(n-t) from door to door/
戸戸ここう(n) houses and inhabitants/population/
こしゅけん (n) rights accruing to the head of a household (according to laws now obsolete)/
こせきがかり family registration official/
こせきとうほんofficial copy of the family register/
戸のとのさんをはずす (exp) to unbolt the door/
戸戸ここ(n) each house/every house/
(n) counter for houses/
といた(n) wooden door (shutter) to carry things/
戸をけるとをあける(exp) to open the door/
としょうじ (n) doors and shoji (sliding doors with paper panes)/