所が | ところが | (conj) however/while/even if/(P)/ |
所々 | しょしょ | (n-adv,n-t) here and there/some parts (of
something)/ |
所 | ところ | place |
所有者 | しょゆうしゃ
| owner/ |
得顔 | ところえがお
| (adj-na,n) look of triumph/ |
所要時間を計る | しょようじかんをは
かる | (exp) to calculate the time
required/ |
所帯やつれ | しょたいやつれ | worn haggard by household cares/ |
所持 | しょじ | (n,vs) possession/owning/ |
所員 | しょいん | (n) staff member/ |
所ではない | どころではない | (suf) (uk) (strongly emphatic) too preoccupied or busy
to even think of ~/~ is out of the question/ |
所為 | せい | (n) cause/reason/fault/(P)/ |
所有権 | しょゆうけん
| (n) ownership/dominion/ |
所思 | しょし | (n) thoughts/opinions/ |
所懐 | しょかい | (n) one's opinion/ |
所 | ところ | (n) place/(P)/ |
帯持ち | しょたいもち
| (n) married man or
woman/housekeeping/ |
所謂 | いわゆる | (adj-pn,adv) the
so-called/so to speak/(P)/ |
所所方方 | しょしょほうぼう
| everywhere/ |
所長 | しょちょう | (n) chief/head/(P)/ |
所与 | しょよ | (n) fact/given thing/the given .../ |
所書き | ところがき | (n) address/ |
所得 | しょとく | (n) income/earnings/(P)/ |
所説 | しょせつ | (n) explanation/matter under discussion/contents/one's
opinion/ |
所願 | しょがん | (n) wish/desire/ |
行 | しょぎょう | (n) deed/act/ |
所収 | しょしゅう | (n) included or carried (in a publication)/ |
所得者 | しょとくしゃ
| income earner/ |
所で | ところで | by the way/even if/no matter what/(P)/ |
所領 | しょりょう | (n) territory/ |
蔵 | しょぞう | (n) (in one's) possession/ |
所為 | しょい | (n) act/deed/one's doing/ |
所々 | ところどころ | (n-adv,n-t) here and there/some parts (of
something)/(P)/ |
所の事情 | しょのじじょう
| circumstances of the office/ |
所作 | しょさ | (n) conduct/gesture/ |
所払い | ところばらい | (n) (historical) banishment from one's residence as a
form of judicial punishment/ |
所産 | しょさん | (n) result/fruit (of)/product (of)/ |
所構わず | ところかまわず | (adv,exp) irrespective of the
occasion/indiscriminately/ |
所存 | しょぞん | (n) opinion/intention/thought/ |
所帯道具 | しょたいどうぐ | household goods/ |
持品 | しょじひん
| things at hand/ |
所定 | しょてい | (n) fixed/prescribed/ |
所所 | ところどころ | (n-adv,n-t) here and there/some parts (of
something)/ |
所では | ところでは | so far
as/ |
所詮 | しょ
せん | (adv,n) after all/ |
所属 | しょぞく | (n) attached to/belong to/(P)/ |
所得控除 | しょとくこうじょ | income exemptions and deductions/ |
所在地 | しょざいち
| (n) location/(P)/ |
所感 | しょかん | (n) impression/feeling/ |
所所 | しょしょ | (n-adv,n-t) here and there/some parts (of
something)/ |
所帯主 | しょたいぬし
| (n) head of household/ |