手付け金 | てつけきん
| (n) a deposit/earnest money/ |
手不足 | てぶそく
| (adj-na,n)
shorthanded/understaffed/ |
手綱を緩める | たづなをゆるめる
| (exp) to slack the reins/ |
手打ち式 | てうちしき
| hand-clapping ceremony (of
reconciliation)/ |
手文庫 | てぶんこ
| (n) box for holding papers or
stationery/ |
手習い | てならい | (n) study/ |
| てごま | (n)
(gamepieces or soldiers etc.) under one's control/ |
手を貸しましょうか | てをかしましょうか | (col) Can I lend a hand?/ |
手狭 | てぜま | (adj-na,n) narrow/small/cramped/ |
手向かい | てむかい | (n) resistance/ |
裏剣 | しゅりけん
| (n) dart/throwing star/ |
手の平 | てのひら | (n) palm (of one's hand)/ |
手投げ弾 | てなげだん
| (n) hand grenade/ |
手細工 | てざいく
| (n) handiwork/handicraft/homemade/ |
手釣り | てづり | (n) handline fishing/ |
手旗 | てばた | (n) semaphore (hand) flag/ |
手がける | てがける | (v1) to make/to do/to produce/to work on/ |
手続き | てつづき | (n) procedure/(legal) process/formalities/(P)/ |
手鍋 | てなべ | (n) a pan/ |
手錠 | てじょう | (n) handcuffs/manacles/(P)/ |
手間を取る | てまをとる
| (exp) to be detained/to take time/ |
手動 | しゅどう | (n) manual/ |
| てふき | (n) (hand)
towel/ |
手暗がり | てくらがり | (n) shadow cast by a person's hand/ |
手箒 | てぼうき | (n) a whisk broom/ |
手毬 | てまり | (n) traditional handball game/ |
手間暇 | てまひま
| (n) time and effort/trouble/ |
手腕 | しゅわん | (n) ability/ |
手を出す | てをだす | (exp) to turn one's hand to/to reach out one's
hand/ |
手品 | てじな | (n) sleight of hand/conjuring
trick/magic/juggling/(P)/ |
手許 | てもと | (n) money on hand/usual skill/one's purse/ |
手翰 | しゅかん | (n) letter/ |
手業 | てわざ | (n) work using the hands/ |
手蔓 | てづる | (n) connections/contacts/influence/ |
手繰り | てぐり | (n) (1) reeling in (thread, etc.)/(2) transport by
passing from hand to hand/ |
手盛り | てもり | (n) helping oneself to (food or other objects)/arranging
things to suit oneself/ |
手を振る | てをふる | (exp) to wave one's hand/ |
手提げ金庫 | てさげきんこ | (portable) safe or cash box/ |
手分け | てわけ | (n,vs) division of labour/(P)/ |
手信語 | てしんご
| hand signals/flag signals/ |
手当たり次第 | てあたりしだい | (adv) using anything one can lay one's hands
on/haphazardly/ |
手配り | てくばり | (n) arrangements/preparations/ |
手続きを経る | てつづきをへる
| (exp) to go through formalities/ |
手拍子 | てびょうし
| (n) beating time/carelessly/ |
手生け | ていけ | (n) doing one's own flower arranging/marrying or making
a mistress of a geisha/ |
手渡し | てわたし | (n,vs) personal delivery/ |
手後れ | ておくれ | (adj-na,n) being too late/ |
手洗い鉢 | てあらいばち
| (n) washbasin/ |
手空き | てすき | (adj-no,n) (1) not busy/unengaged/being free/(2)
leisure/ |
手差し | てさし | inserted by hand/ |