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Kanji: Radical: () : フツ; はら(う); pay
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 5 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1828 Index in Halpern dictionary: 194
Japanese Reading English
払いはらいだす(v5s) to pay (out)/to drive away/
払いはらいもどし(n) repayment/refundment/
払いげるはらいさげる(v1) to make a sale of government property/
払いとすはらいおとす(v5s) to brush off/to shake off/
払いはらいもどす(v5s) to repay/to pay back/(P)/
払拭ふっしょく(n,vs) wiping out/sweeping away/
払いめるはらいきよめる(v1) to purify/to exorcise/
払いはらいもの(n) discarded article/
払いはらい(n) payment/bill/account/(P)/
ふつぎょう(n-adv,n-t) dawn/daybreak/
ふってい(n) shortage/scarcity/dearth/famine/(P)/
払うはらう(v5u) to pay/to brush/to wipe/(P)/
払いはらいちょう(n) deficit in long-term capital/
払いはらいさげひん articles disposed of or sold off by the government/
払うはらうto pay
払いはらいわたす(v5s) to pay/to pay out/to pay over/
払いはらいのこりbalance due/arrears/
払いけるはらいのける(v1) to ward off/to brush away/to fling off/to drive away/
払いはらいこむ(v5m) to deposit/to pay in/(P)/