The Yamasa Institute - オンライン日本語学習 - Online Kanji Dictionary
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Kanji: Radical: () : ヨク; おさ(える)、おさ(え); suppress
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 7 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1851 Index in Halpern dictionary: 257
Japanese Reading English
よくりゅうじょ detention or internment camp/
抑えけるおさえつける(v1) to press down/to hold down/to pin down/to repress/
抑えるおさえる(v1) to check/to curb/to suppress/to control/to arrest/(P)/
そもそも(adv,conj,n) (uk) in the first place/to begin with/(P)/
よくりゅう(n,vs) internment/detainment/detention/(P)/
抑鬱よくうつ(n) dejection/depression/
よくせい(n,vs) suppression/(P)/
抑えおさえ(n) weight (e.g. paperweight)/rear guard/control/a check/pressure/
よくあつ(n) check/restraint/oppression/suppression/(P)/
よくし(n) check/checkmate/stave off/control/restraint/(P)/
よくりゅうしゃ detainee/
よくよう(n) intonation/accent/modulation/inflection/(P)/