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Kanji: Radical: () : セツ; お(る)、お(れる)、おり; fold
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 7 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1855 Index in Halpern dictionary: 253
Japanese Reading English
折るおる(v5r) to break/to fold/to pick flower/(P)/
折りおりかえしうんてんshuttling back and forth/
折りげるおりまげる(v1) to bend/to turn up/to turn down/to double/
折りおりよく(adv) fortunately/luckily/
おりふし(adv,n) occasionally/at times/the season/from time to time/
折りおりく(n) acrostic poetry/
折れおれめ(n) a fold/a crease/
折れおれこむ(v5m) to be folded under or inside/
折りおりえり(n) turned-down collar/lapel/
折りおりふし(adv,n) occasionally/at times/the season/from time to time/
折り鞄おりかばん(n) briefcase/portfolio/
折れおれあう(v5u) to get along with/to compromise/to make concessions/to come to an agreement/
折り おりばこ(n) box made of thin wood or cardboard/
せっちゅう(n) compromise/cross/blending/eclecticism/(P)/
折からおりから(exp,n-t) just then/at that time/
折りおりたたみ(n) folding (desk, chair)/(P)/
折も折おりもおり(adv,exp) at that very moment/coincidentally/
折れるおれる(v1,vi,vt) to break/to be folded/to give in/to turn (a corner)/(P)/
折れがるおれまがる(v5r) to bend back and forth/
折れおれかえる(v5r) to tell again and again/to repeat/to refrain/to turn up/to turn down/
折りおりかえす(v5s) to turn up/to fold back/(P)/
おれかえる(v5r) to tell again and again/to repeat/to refrain/to turn up/to turn down/
折々おりおり(adv,n) occasionally/
せっぱん(n,vs) half/division/(P)/
折りしいおりめただしい (adj) good manners/courteous/
折りおりかえしてん turning back or turnaround point (in a race)/
折りねるおりかさねる(v1) to fold back (up)/
せっちゅうあん compromise proposal/
折りおりがみ(n) origami (paper folding)/(P)/
折りおりかえし(adv,n) lapel/cuffs/flap/chorus/refrain/repetition/(P)/
おりこみ(n) foldout/insertion/
折りおりど(n) folding door/
折檻せっかん(n,vs) scolding severely/chastisement/correcting/spanking (a naughty boy)/
折りおりたたみつくえ folding desk/
せっしょう(n) negotiation/(P)/
せっちゅう(n) compromise/
折れ 釘おれくぎ(n) hooked or broken nail/
折りおりがみつき (n) guaranteed/authentic/certified/
折りなるおりかさなる(v5r) to lie on top of one another/to be in a heap/
お り(n-adv,n-t) chance/suitable time/(P)/
折りおりめ(n) a fold/a crease (i.e. in trousers)/something done by convention/manner/
おりがみ(n) origami (paper folding)/(P)/
せっせん(n) broken line/
折 りおりじゃく(n) folding ruler/
折り鶴おりづる(n) folded paper crane/
おりめ(n) a fold/a crease (i.e. in trousers)/something done by convention/manner/
せっかく(adv,n) with trouble/at great pains/long-awaited/(P)/
折りおりこみ(n) foldout/insertion/