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Kanji: Radical: () : バツ; ぬ(く)、ぬ(ける)、ぬ(かす)、ぬ(き); pull out
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 7 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1854 Index in Halpern dictionary: 246
Japanese Reading English
抜きんぬきんでる(v1) to excel/to be outstanding/
ばっすい(n) extract/excerpt/selection/(P)/
抜からぬぬからぬかお(n) shrewd face/knowing look/
抜けぬけまいり(n) secret or unauthorized pilgrimage/
抜けぬけみち(n) loophole/
抜け ぬけめ(n) imprudence/an oversight/
抜きぬきいと(n) drawn thread/
抜きぬきはなつ(v5t) to unsheathe/
抜かりぬかり(n) blunder/miss/slip/oversight/
ばっし(n) removal (extraction) of stitches/
抜きしならぬぬきさしならぬa sticky situation/
抜錨ばつびょう(n) setting sail/
抜かすぬかす(v5s) to omit/to leave out/(P)/
ぬけあな(n) loophole/
抜擢 ばってき(n) selection/
抜けぬけがけ(n) stealing a march on/
抜きぬきとる(v5r) to pull out/to draw out/
抜けぬけさく(n) fool/blockhead/
抜く ぬく(v5k) to extract/to omit/to surpass/to draw out/to unplug/(P)/
抜きぬきよみ(n) skimming a text/
抜けぬけでる(v1) to excel/to steal out/
ばっし(n) tooth extraction/
抜けわるぬけかわる(v5r) to shed/to moult/to fall out/
ばつぐん(adj-na,n) pre-eminence/(P)/
抜けぬけだす(v5s) to slip out/to sneak away/to excel/(P)/
抜きぬきうち(n) drawing a katana and attacking in the same stroke/doing something suddenly, without warning/
抜けるぬける(v1) to come out/to fall out/to be omitted/to be missing/to escape/(P)/
抜けぬけうら(n) byway/bypass/
抜かるぬかる(v5r) to make a mistake/(P)/
抜きぬきずり(n) offprint/
抜け ぬけがら(n) casting off skin/
抜きぬきて(n) (swimming) overarm stroke/
抜きぬきさる(v5r) to (sur)pass/to overtake/
ぬけみち(n) loophole/
抜き ぬきさし(n) inserting and deleting/
抜きわせるぬきあわせる(v1) to draw swords and face off/
ばっぽんてき (adj-na) drastic/radical/
抜きぬきだす(v5s) to start to pull out/
抜けぬけあな(n) loophole/
抜け ちるぬけおちる(v1) to shed hair/
抜きぬきみ(n) naked (drawn) sword/
抜きぬきうちかいさん(n) sudden dissolution of a legislature/
抜きぬきはなす(v5s) to unsheath one's sword/
抜けぬけげ(n) fallen hair/combings/
抜萃ばっすい(n) extract/excerpt/selection/
抜けがるぬけあがる(v5r) to be balding in the front/to have a receding hairline/
抜きぬきに(n) pilfered goods/
抜きぬきがき(n) an extract/