拝復 | はいふく | (int,n) salutation of a formal letter of response (in
reply to your letter, Dear Sir, Dear Madam, etc.)/ |
拝聴 | はいちょう | (n,vs) enjoyment/ |
拝承 | はいしょう | (n) hear/understand/learn/be informed/ |
拝金主義の固まり | はいきんしゅぎの
かたまり | money worshiper/ |
拝金 | はいきん | (n) money-worship/mammon worship/ |
拝聞 | はいぶん | (n) hear/listen to/ |
拝呈 | はいてい | (n) presenting/salutation of a formal letter/ |
拝命 | はいめい | (n,vs) receiving an official appointment/ |
拝物教 | はいぶつきょう
| fetishism/ |
拝む | おがむ | (v5m) to worship/to beg/to make a
supplication/(P)/ |
拝金主義者 | はいきんしゅぎしゃ
| mammonist/money worshipper/ |
拝殿 | はいでん | (n) front shrine/hall of worship/ |
拝 | はい | (n) worship/ |
拝金主義の塊 | はいきんしゅぎのかた
まり | money worshiper/ |
拝見 | はいけん | (n,vs) (hum) (pol) seeing/look at/(P)/ |
拝借 | はいしゃく | (n,vs) (hum) (pol) borrowing/(P)/ |
拝謝 | はいしゃ | (n) giving thanks/ |
拝領 | はいりょう | (n,vs) receiving (from a superior)/bestowed/ |
拝ませる | おがませる
| (exp) to allow to worship/to let a person have
a look/ |
拝謁 | はいえつ | (n) audience (with Emperor)/(P)/ |
拝顔の栄 | はいがんのえい
| honor of seeing (a person)/ |
拝受 | はいじゅ | (n,vs) receiving (accepting) (humbly)/ |
拝み倒す | おがみたおす | (v5s) to persuade someone to consent/to entreat
repeatedly/to beg/to implore/(P)/ |
拝金主義 | はいきんしゅぎ | mammonism/ |
| はいび | (n,vs)
having the pleasure of seeing (a person)/ |
拝観料 | はいかんりょう
| entrance fee/ |
拝外的 | はいがいてき
| (adj-na) proforeign/xenophilous/ |
拝火教 | はいかきょう
| (n) Zoroastrianism/ |
拝賀 | はいが | (n) congratulations/ |
拝顔 | はいがん | (n) meeting (with another person)/ |
拝礼 | はいれい | (n,vs) worship/ |
読 | はいどく | (n,vs) reading/ |
辞 | はいじ | (n) resigning/declining/ |
拝具 | はいぐ | (int,n) term used in closing a formal
letter/ |
拝察 | はいさつ | (n) surmise/infer/sympathize/ |
拝啓 | はいけい | (int,n) Dear (so and so)/(P)/ |
拝観 | はいかん | (n) see/inspect/visit/ |