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Kanji: Radical: () : ; も(つ)、も(てる); hold
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 9 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1903 Index in Halpern dictionary: 374
Japanese Reading English
持て囃すもてはやす (v5s) to praise extravagantly/to lionize/to make much of/
持ちわせもちあわせ(n) on hand/in stock/
持たせるもたせる(v1) to have someone hold something/to allow someone to keep something/
持てもてなし(n) entertainment/hospitality/(P)/
持ちもちあるく(v5k) to carry/
持ち つ持たれつもちつもたれつ(exp,n) give-and-take/
じかい(n) strictly follow Buddhist precepts/
持ちもちいえ(n) one's (own) house/
持ちもちかえりtakeaway; takeout
じさんきん (n) dowry/
じぞく(n) continuation/(P)/
持ちもちきる(v5r) to hold all the while/to talk about nothing but/
もちもの(n) one's property/personal effects/
持ちもちかえり(n) takeout (ie. food)/
持ちもちぶねone's own ship/
持っ てまれたもってうまれた(adj-pn) natural (ability)/
持ちもちじかん (n) amount of time one has/
持ちもちまわりかくぎround-robin cabinet/
持ちもち(n,n-suf) (1) hold/charge/keep possession/in charge/(2) wear/durability/life/draw/(3) usage (suff)/(P)/
じさんにん bearer/
持 ちきりもちきり(n) hot topic/talk of the town/
持ちげるもちあげる(v1) to raise/to lift up/to flatter/
持ちがるもちあがる(v5r) to lift/to happen/to occur/to come up/to turn up/
持ちもちば(n) job/station/position/post/route/
持ちもちくずす(v5s) to ruin (degrade) oneself/
持ちもちあじ(n) inherent flavor/distinctive characterisic/
持ちせるもちあわせる(v1) to happen to have on hand or in stock/
持ちもちあい(n) (1) unity/even matching/interdependence/(2) steadiness (of market price)/
持ちもちもの(n) one's property/personal effects/(P)/
じぞくせい durability/
持ってもってくるto bring
がるもちあがる(v5r) to lift/to happen/to occur/to come up/to turn up/
持ちもちさる(v5r) to take away/to carry away/
じびょう(n) chronic disease/
じきゅうりょく (n) stamina/tenacity/
じぞくりょく durability/
持ちもちこむ(v5m,vt) to lodge/to take something into ../to bring in/(P)/
持てもてあます(v5s) to be too much for one/to find unmanageable/to be beyond one's control/to not know what to do with/
持ちもちきり(n) hot topic/talk of the town/
じご(n) Go game resulting in tie or draw/
持ちもちまわり(n) rotation/by turns/
持ってもってくる(exp,vk) to bring/(P)/
持ちもちまわる(v5r) to carry about/
持ちもちにげ(n) make off with (something)/abscond/
持ちもちぬし(n) owner/proprietor/(P)/
持ちもちかぶがいしゃholding company/
じせつ(n) one's cherished opinion/
持ちもちこみ(n) bring-your-own (food and drink)/
持ちけるもちかける(v1) to offer a suggestion/to propose an idea/
じやく(n) one's usual medicine/