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Kanji: Radical: () : シャ; す(てる); discard
Joyo grade: 6 Stroke count: 11 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1944 Index in Halpern dictionary: 501
Japanese Reading English
しゃしん(n) (Buddh.) renouncing the flesh or the world/becoming a priest/risking one's life for others/
捨 てるすてるto throw away
捨てポジすてポジ(n) photographic prints that you don't keep/
すてみ(n) at the risk of one's life/
すてご(n) abandoned child/foundling/
捨てるすてる(v1) to throw away/to cast aside/to abandon/to resign/(P)/
捨てすてぜりふ sharp parting remark/
すてばち(adj-na,n) desperation/
すてねこ(io) abandoned (stray) cat/
捨ててすてておく(v5k) to leave something as it is/
捨てすてどころ(n) dumping spot/place to kill oneself/
捨てすていぬstray dog/
捨てすておく(v5k) to leave as is/to ignore/
捨てすてみ(n) at the risk of one's life/
捨てすてねこabandoned (stray) cat/
捨てすてば(n) dumping ground/dump/
捨てすていし(n) (in the game of go) a sacrificed stone/ornamental garden stone/
捨てすてばち(adj-na,n) desperation/
捨てすてさる(v5r) to abandon (ship)/
しゃしょう(n) abstraction/
捨 てすてご(n) abandoned child/foundling/(P)/
すてうり(n) sacrifice sale/
すてば(n) dumping ground/dump/
捨てすてがね(n) wasted money/
捨てすてうり(n) selling for a song/dumping/
捨てすてね(n) priced dirt cheap/