掘り返す | ほりかえす | (v5s) to dig up/to turn up/to tear up/ |
掘り出し物 | ほりだしもの
| (n) (lucky) find/bargain/good buy/treasure
trove/ |
掘り抜く | ほりぬく | (v5k) to dig through/to drill into/to
excavate/ |
掘削 | くっさく | (n,vs) digging out/excavation/ |
掘削機 | くっさくき
| (n) excavator/ |
掘り抜き井戸 | ほりぬきいど | (n) artesian well/ |
掘り起す | ほりおこす | (v5s) to reclaim/to dig up/ |
掘り出す | ほりだす | (v5s) to dig out/to pick up/ |
掘鑿 | くっさく | (n,vs) digging out/excavation/ |
掘り下げる | ほりさげる | (v1) to dig down/to delve into/to get to the bottom of
(a matter)/to investigate further/ |
| ほりごたつ | (n) low,
covered table placed over a hole in the floor of a Japanese-style
room/ |
掘返す | ほりかえす | (v5s) to dig up/to turn up/to tear up/ |
掘り当てる | ほりあてる | (v1) to strike/to find/to dig up/ |
掘進 | くっしん | (n,vs) excavation/tunnel/ |
掘り起こす | ほりおこす | (v5s) to dig up/ |
り井戸 | ほりいど
| (n) a well/ |
掘り割り | ほりわり | (n) canal/ |
| ほる | (v5r) to
dig/to excavate/(P)/ |
掘り火燵 | ほりごたつ | (n) low, covered table placed over a hole in the floor
of a Japanese-style room/ |