接待 | せったい | (n) reception/welcome/serving (food)/(P)/ |
接ぐ | つぐ | (v5g) to join/to piece together/to set (bones)/to graft
(trees)/(P)/ |
接着力 | せっちゃくりょく
| bond strength/ |
接着剤 | せっちゃくざい
| (n) adhesive/glue/ |
接頭辞 | せっとうじ
| (n) prefix/ |
接地 | せっち | (n) ground (elec)/contact patch (between car tyre and
road)/ |
接岸 | せつがん | (n) coming alongside a pier or quay/ |
接戦 | せっせん | (n) close combat/close contest/ |
接客婦 | せっきゃくふ
| (n) hostess/waitress/ |
接受国 | せつじゅこく
| (n) recipient country/ |
接尾 | せつび | (n) suffix/ |
接客 | せっきゃく | (n,vs) reception/receiving/ |
接見 | せっけん | (n) interview/ |
着 | せっちゃく | (n,vs) fastening with glue/ |
接辞 | せつじ | (n) prefixes and suffixes/affix/ |
接受 | せつじゅ | (n) receive/intercept/ |
接近 | せっきん | (n,vs) getting closer/drawing
nearer/approaching/(P)/ |
接断 | せつだん | disconnection/ |
客業 | せっきゃくぎょう
| (n) serving customers/service
industries/ |
接ぎ足す | つぎたす | to extend/to add/ |
接点 | せってん | (n) tangent point/single bit IO point/(electrical)
contact/ |
接合 | せつごう | (n) union/joining/ |
接近戦 | せっきんせん
| (n) close combat/close(-quarter)
fighting/in-fighting/ |
接触感染 | せっしょくかんせん | infection through contact/ |
接吻 | せっぷん | (n) kiss/kissing/ |
接ぎ目 | はぎめ | (n) seam/joint/ |
収 | せっしゅう | (n,vs) confiscation/ |
接ぎ合わせる | はぎあわせる | (v1) to join or patch together/ |
接待 | せったい | reception |
接頭 | せっとう | (n) prefix/ |
接続 | せつぞく | (n,vs) connection/union/join/link/(P)/ |
接続口 | せつぞくぐち
| connection/ |
接する | せっする | (vs-s) to come in contact with/to connect/to attend/to
receive/(P)/ |
接線 | せっせん | (n) tangent (in trigonometry)/ |
接近経路 | せっきんけいろ | avenue of approach/ |
接続助詞 | せつぞくじょし | conjunctive particle/ |
接待費 | せったいひ
| entertainment expenses/ |
接尾語 | せつびご
| (n) suffix/ |
接触事故 | せっしょくじこ | (n) minor collision/(have) a scrape (with another
vehicle)/ |
接触 | せっしょく | (n,vs) touch/contact/(P)/ |
接客態度 | せっきゃくたいど | (n) service/ |
接待係 | せったいがかり
| receptionist/welcoming committee/ |
接続性 | せつぞくせい
| connectivity/ |
接骨医 | せっこつい
| (n) osteopath/bonesetter/ |
接骨木 | にわとこ
| (n) red-berried elder tree/ |
接続駅 | せつぞくえき
| (n) junction/ |
接種 | せっしゅ | (n) inoculation/vaccination/ |
接ぎ穂 | つぎほ | (n) (1) (a) graft/(2) scion/ |
接尾辞 | せつびじ
| (n) suffix/ |
接合剤 | せつごうざい
| (n) adhesive/ |