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Kanji: Radical: () : テイ; さ(げ); present
Joyo grade: 5 Stroke count: 12 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1967 Index in Halpern dictionary: 591
Japanese Reading English
ていあん(n,vs) proposal/proposition/suggestion/(P)/
ていじ(n,vs) presentation/exhibit/suggest/citation/
ちょうちん(n) paper lantern/
ちょうちんもち (n) lantern bearer/
ていしゅつぶつ (n) exhibit/documents for submission/
ていとく(n) admiral/commodore/
ていけい(n) cooperation/tie-up/joint business/link-up/(P)/
ていそ(n,vs) presenting a case/suing/(P)/
ていきん(n) variety of ancient Chinese stringed instrument/violin/
ていじぶ (n) (musical) exposition/
ていきょう(n,vs) offer/tender/program sponsoring/furnishing/(P)/
ていしょうしゃ advocate/
ていきょうがわ sender (side of transaction)/
ていしょう(n,vs) advocacy/proposal/(P)/
提げるさげる(v1) to take along/to hold in the hand/(P)/
ていしゅつきげん(n) deadline/
ていしゅつ(n,vs) presentation/submission/filing/(P)/
ていげん(n) proposal/motion/
ていぎ(n) proposal/motion/(P)/
ていよう(n) summary/outline/compendium/
ていあんしゃ proponent/
ていきょうしゃ (n) (blood) donor/
ていき(n) bring suit/file a claim/raise a question/(P)/
ていしゅつしゃ presenter/proposer/
ちょうちんぎょうれつlantern procession/