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Kanji: Radical: () : ソン; そこ(なう)、そこ(ねる); loss
Joyo grade: 5 Stroke count: 13 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1979 Index in Halpern dictionary: 651
Japanese Reading English
損じるそんじる(v1) to harm/to hurt/to injure/to damage/
そんとく(n) loss and gain/advantage and disadvantage/(P)/
そんえき(n) profit and loss/advantage and disadvantage/(P)/
損うそこなう(io) (suf,v5u) to harm/to hurt/to injure/to damage/to fail in doing/(P)/
そんりゅうloss current/
損する そんする(vs-s) to lose/(P)/
損なそんなじょうけん unfavorable conditions/
損になるそんになるdo not pay/
そんりつloss factor/
そんしつほてん (n) compensation for a loss/
そんがいをこうむる (v5) to suffer a loss/
そんがいばいしょうrestitution/compensation for damages/(P)/
そんしょう(n) damage/injury/
損をしたそんをしたところでeven if one loses/
そんぽ(n) (abbr) damage insurance/
そん(adj-na,n,n-suf,vs) loss/disadvantage/(P)/
を蒙るそんがいをこうむる(exp) to suffer a loss/
そんしつ(n) loss/(P)/
そんがいほけんdamage insurance/
そんりょう(n) rental fee/
そんえきけいさんしょ profit and loss statement/
そんえきぶんきてん the break-even point/
損じそんじ(n) slip/error/failure/
そんしつをつぐなう (exp) to recompense for a loss/
そんもう(n) loss/(P)/
損なう そこなう(suf,v5u) to harm/to hurt/to injure/to damage/to fail in doing/(P)/
そんきん(n) financial loss/
そんえきかんじょうprofit and loss account/
そんぼう(n) loss/
損ねる そこねる(v1) to harm/to hurt/to injure/(P)/
そんがいがく amount of damages or loss/
そんがい(n) damage/injury/loss/(P)/