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Kanji: Radical: () : テキ; つ(む); pick
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 14 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1987 Index in Halpern dictionary: 694
Japanese Reading English
摘芯てきしん(n) thinning (buds and branches)/
てきしゅ(vs) picking/plucking up/
てきしん(n) thinning (buds and branches)/
摘みつみくさ(n) picking herbs and wildflowers/
てきしゅつ(n,vs) picking out/exposing/taking out/(P)/
てきはつ(n,vs) exposing/unmasking/laying bare/(P)/
てっき(n,vs) summarization/epitomy/
摘みつみとる(v5r) to pluck/to pick/to nip off/
摘まみつまみ(uk) pinch (of salt, etc)/knob/snack (to have with a drink)/
てきか(n) thinning out superfluous fruit/
摘みつまみもの(n) drinking snack/
摘まみつまみだす(v5) to pick out/to throw out/
てきが(n) thinning out buds/
摘まむつまむ(v5m) to pinch/to hold/to pick up/
摘みつまみぐい(n) eating with one's fingers/
摘むつむ(v5m) to pluck/to pick/to trim/(P)/
摘むつまむ(v5m) to pinch/to hold/to pick up/(P)/
摘みつまみとる(v5r) to pluck/to pick/to nip off/
てきよう(n) summary/outline/(P)/
摘みつまみあらい(n) washing only the soiled part (of a garment)/
てきろく(n) summary/