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Kanji: Radical: () : ゲキ; う(つ); attack
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 15 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1986 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2863
Japanese Reading English
退げきたい(n,vs) repulse/repel (i.e. the enemy)/
げきけん(n) fencing/kendo/
撃ちめるうちとめる(v1) to kill/to slay/to shoot to death/to bring down (bird)/
げきさい(n,vs) pulverising/
げきちん(n,vs) sinking (ship)/(P)/
げきつい(n,vs) shooting down (aircraft)/(P)/
撃ちうちかたやめ Cease fire/
げきはつ(n) percussion (fuse)/
撃ちうちかた(n) how to shoot/
撃ちまくるうちまくる(v5r) to pound away/
撃ちうちころす(v5s) to shoot to death/
げきめつ(n,vs) destruction/
撃ちうちやぶる(v5r) defeat/crush/
撃ちうちあう(v5u) to fight/to exchange blows/to rally/
撃ちとすうちおとす(v5s) to knock down/to shoot down/to lop off/
撃つう つ(v5t) to attack/to defeat/to destroy/(P)/
げきは(n,vs) crushing/
撃 ちうちはらう(v5u) to drive someone off with gunfire/