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Kanji: Radical: () : サツ; す(る)、す(れる); rub
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 17 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2025 Index in Halpern dictionary: 790
Japanese Reading English
擦りえるすりかえる(v1) to substitute/to sidestep (an issue)/
擦り剥けるすりむける(v1) to abrade/
擦り けるこすりつける(v1) (1) to rub against/to nuzzle against, e.g. dog nosing a person/(2) to strike (a match)/
擦り疵すりきず(n,vs) marring caused by rubbing/
擦れすれちがう(v5u) to pass by one another/to disagree/to miss each other/(P)/
擦った揉んだすったもんだ(adv,n,vs) confused/
擦りけるなすりつける(v1) to blame another/
擦り剥くすりむく(v5k) to skin (one's knee)/to graze/
擦りすりきず(n,vs) scratch/graze/abrasion/(P)/
擦れすれちがい(n) chance encounter/
擦りガラスすりガラス(n) ground glass/
さっかしょう (n) abrasion/scratch/(P)/
擦りけるすりつける(v1) (1) to rub against/to nuzzle against, e.g. dog nosing a person/(2) to strike (a match)/
擦るこする(v5r) to rub/to scrub/(P)/
擦りとすこすりおとすto scrape off/to rub off/
擦るする(v5r) to rub/to chafe/to file/to frost (glass)/to strike (match)/(P)/
擦りれるすりきれる(v1) to wear out/
擦りけるすりぬける(v1) to slip through/to make one's way through quickly/
擦れるすれる(v1) to rub/to chafe/to wear/to become sophisticated/(P)/
擦りすりきる(v5r) to cut by rubbing/to wear out/to spend all (one's money)/
擦りすりよる(v5r) to draw close to/to edge up to/to snuggle up to/to nestle close to/to cuddle with/to draw closer to/
擦疵すりきず(n,vs) marring caused by rubbing/
擦るかする(v5r) to touch lightly/to take a percentage (from)/
擦りすりこむ(v5m) to rub in/to grind and mix/
擦れ擦れすれすれ(adj-na,n) on the verge of/very close to/just in time/on the margin/(P)/
すりきず(n,vs) scratch/graze/abrasion/
擦れすれあう(v5u) to rub against/to chafe/to quarrel/
擦れっらしすれっからし(n) shameless person/sophisticated person/brazen hussy/
擦れてくなるすれてうすくなるto wear thin/
擦り らすすりへらすto rub down/to wear away/