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Kanji: Radical: (ぼくづくり) : コウ; せ(める); attack
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 7 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1457 Index in Halpern dictionary: 242
Japanese Reading English
こうげきがわ offensive camp/team at bat/
こうりゃく(n,vs) capture/
こうげきぶたいattacking forces/
こうげき(n,vs) attack/strike/offensive/criticism/censure/(P)/
攻めせめこむ(v5m) to invade/to attack/
こうしゅどうめいoffensive and defensive alliance/
こうげきたいせいattack preparedness/
こうげきぐん attacking force/
こうしゅ(n) offense and defense/batting and fielding/(P)/
攻めてるせめたてる(v1) to make an incessant onslaught/to attack incessantly/
攻めせめだいこ (n) drum used in ancient warfare to signal an attack/
攻めせめぬく(v5k) persistent attacking/
こうぼうせん battle/
たるこうげきのしょうにあたる(exp) to bear the brunt of an attack/
こうい(n) siege/
こうせい(n) offensive (movement)/aggression/(P)/
攻めせるせめよせる(v1) to make an onslaught (on)/to close in (on)/
攻めせめぐち(n) method of attack/place of attack/
攻めせめのぼる(v5r) to march on the capital/
攻めせめいる(v5r) to invade/
攻 めるせめる(v1) to attack/to assault/(P)/
こうがくdedication to study or research/
攻め倦むせめあぐむ(v5m) to lose the attacking initiative/
攻めせめどうぐ (n) offensive weapons/
こうげきりょく offensive ability/
こうぼう(n) offense and defense/(P)/
攻めとすせめおとす(v5s) to assault/
こうげきほうこうattacking direction/
こうげきかいしせん line of departure/
攻めせめ(n) attack/offence/
攻めぼすせめほろぼす(v5s) to attack and overthrow/to utterly destroy/
攻め苛むせめさいなむ(v5m) to torture/
こうじょう(n) siege/(P)/
こうげきたいけいattacking formation/
攻めせめて(n) offense/method of attack/
攻めせめくち(n) method of attack/place of attack/
こうげきてき offensive/aggressive/
こうきゅう(n) study/investigation/research/
こうげきたい attack forces/
ヘリコプターこうげきヘリコプターattack helicopter/