政情 | せいじょう | (n) political situation/political affairs/ |
政務 | せいむ | (n) government affairs/ |
政策決定 | せいさくけってい | policy making/ |
治 | せいじ | (n) politics/government/(P)/ |
政治屋 | せいじや
| (n) politician/ |
政治犯 | せいじはん
| (n) political offense/political
offender/ |
政令 | せいれい | (n) government ordinance/cabinet order/(P)/ |
政治道徳 | せいじどうとく | (n) political morality/ |
政治団体 | せいじだんたい | a political organization/ |
政道 | せいどう | (n) politics/ |
政論 | せいろん | (n) political argument/ |
政治資金 | せいじしきん | political funds/ |
| まつりごと | (n)
rule/government/(P)/ |
政治結社 | せいじけっしゃ | a political organization/ |
政見 | せいけん | (n) political views/ |
政界 | せいかい | (n) political world/(P)/ |
政見放送 | せいけんほうそう | broadcast of political views/ |
政談 | せいだん | (n) talking politics/discussion of a law
case/ |
政令指定都市 | せいれいしていとし | ordinance-designated city/ |
政府筋 | せいふすじ
| (n) government sources/official
quarters/ |
政権争い | せいけならそい
| struggle for political power/ |
政治献金 | せいじけんきん | political contributions/ |
政事 | せいじ | (n) political affairs/ |
政権 | せいけん | (n) (political) administration/political
power/(P)/ |
政庁 | せいちょう | (n) government office/ |
政府機関 | せいふきかん | (n) government body (agency)/ |
政党 | せいとう | (n) (member of) political party/(P)/ |
政所 | まんどころ | (n) (Heian or Kamakura era) government office/titled
lady/ |
政略家 | せいりゃくか
| political tactician/ |
政局 | せいきょく | (n) political situation/(P)/ |
政府米 | せいふまい
| (n) government-controlled rice/ |
政務官 | せいむかん
| (n) parliamentary official/ |
政治責任 | せいじせきにん | (n) (one's) administrative
responsibilities/ |
政治評論家 | せいじひょうろんか
| (n) political commentator (journalist,
columnist)/ |
政教一致 | せいきょういっち | unity of church and state/ |
政経 | せいけい | (n) politics and economics/ |
政策 | せいさく | (n) political measures/policy/(P)/ |
政体 | せいたい | (n) constitution/ |
政治哲学 | せいじてつがく | (n) political philosophy/ |
政争の具とする | せいそうのぐとす
る | (vs) to make a political issue of
(something)/ |
政教 | せいきょう | (n) religion and politics/church and state/ |
政商 | せいしょう | (n) businessman with political ties/ |
政争 | せいそう | (n) political strife/ |
政府 | せいふ | (n) government/administration/(P)/ |
政府案 | せいふあん
| government bill/ |
政争の渦 | せいそうのうず
| whirlpool of political strife/ |
政界の嵐 | せいかいのあらし | political storm/ |
治改革 | せいじかいかく | political reform/ |
政教分離 | せいきょうぶんり | separation of church and state/ |
政変 | せいへん | (n) coup/ |